
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

My husband got me a poinsettia recently for my birthday. I've had poinsettias before but have never been successful at keeping them long term. I have found the information on getting it to "bloom" again in the fall, but what do they need to thrive at this point (i.e. light and watering requirements)? Any advice?

Thank you,

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Lol I have one that refuses to die. There is lots of good info on this thread.


Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

A lot of good info-- thanks! I'm still unclear on its requirements for now, though. How much light do you give yours (as far as positioning, not hours per day), and how often do you water?

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

It is now living in full sun and gets watered with everything else in the garden. Daily in summer and "when I get around to it" this time a year except during Santa Ana conditions when it is back to daily. It was in filtered sunlight las summer when I was laboring under the assumption that it would kick the bucket any day. It got some osmocote every 3 months but no love, poor thing.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Okay, thanks! I hope I can keep mine thriving.


Big Bear City, CA

Sweeterpie you can't kill that thing. It is a Euphorbia... the only thing that will keep it from taking over your house is frost... so strange isn't it that we use it at Christmas.

Anyhow, this plant will take neglect , grow to 10' tall and 6' wide... are you really sure you want this monster??? if so leave it alone and it will become a Christmas to Remember ... over and over and over again....

The only thing is some people seem a little disposed as to the milky white sap... just a roomer I'm sure
but some are a little alergic to it...

I have to tell you... as a little girl... i of course planted it... and low and behold I had a GRAND Poinsettia.

It is cool how the leaves change from green to red isn't it.

Good Luck


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