New vegetable variety website

Ithaca, NY(Zone 5a)

Do you have any favorite vegetable varieties that you'd like to share with your fellow gardeners? If so, we'd love it if you'd visit our new website here at Cornell University: Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners at

The site makes it easy for gardeners to compare more than 2,000 varieties, read ratings and reviews by fellow gardeners, and offer their own observations of which perform best in their gardens.

As our project director puts it: "The site is like an for vegetable varieties, only we don't actually sell the seeds. At Amazon's website, you can study reader ratings and reviews to see if you want to read a particular book. At our site, you can read gardener ratings and reviews to see if you want to grow a particular variety."

It makes a great companion reference while you're poring over your seed catalogs. For a more detailed site description, see the news release on our blog at:

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Craig Cramer
Communications Specialist, Department of Horticulture 607-255-5428

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6b)

Thank you for directing me to a great site. My wife and I have a relatively small garden with supplies us with plenty, yet we don't have room for many varieties or the luxury of being able to try many varieties of the same vegetable.

Ottawa, KS(Zone 5b)


Thanks for the "heads up" about the website. It looks like a great potential resource. I just "signed up" there and submitted Burpee Early Harvest Hybrid as a tomato entry. However, I believe it is probably just an alias for the Burpee Northern Exposure Hybrid, so I submitted a rating of Northern Exposure Hybrid based on our experience growing Burpee Early Harvest Hybrid here in south central Maine.

Burpee Early Harvest Hybrid appears on our local Wal-Mart seed racks with the identical description as Burpee Northern Exposure Hybrid. Burpee Early Harvest Hybrid Tomato does not appear in the Burpee catalog, either in print or online. Thanks again for the link.


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Just before Christmas I was in contact with Eupatorium (he was unaware that our own PlantFiles here has a "rate-a-plant" feature.) I'm hoping we can find a way to collaborate with Cornell and help both their project and PlantFiles grow (pun intended ;o)

Please keep in mind that it is REALLY helpful to other gardeners if you take a minute to give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to plants you have grown (or even weeds you contend with...)

If you don't find a particular variety, let us know and we'll be happy to help you create the entry and add your comment to it.

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

I did not know about the rate-a-plant feature - either. Both will be useful in the next weeks. Thanks

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