Newbie to DG! Hello Old Friends!

Caribou, ME(Zone 3a)

WOW! This site realy does have alot to offer in compaison with others, trade lists, journals...this is cool! Hi Brooks, Angel, perlite, tiredrabbit! Thanks for suggesting this site!

North Wales, PA(Zone 6a)

Hey C~!!!

Great to "see" you!

(Zone 4b)

Hey there fellow Mainer... welcome!

-plant girl :)

Titusville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hello C~,
Good to hear from you again. How is your Variegated Monstera doing?

Corinth, NY(Zone 4b)


I am a new to DG too, but I have found it to be great place. Enjoy!


Caribou, ME(Zone 3a)

Haven't gotten the V. Monstera yet but I'm waiting with baited breath! Next month I think it should be comming. I'm not rushing the experts.
Sansman....I knew exactly who THAT was! Looking forward to your expert advise. And Will's here. If I'd have known that I'd have been here ages ago!
Plant-girl of Maine....girl! We must chat! I just scored BIG TIME at Home Depot in Bangor! Begonia's, Rabbit Foot Fern, Scheff's to DIE for and I don't even like Scheff's! CHEAP too!
I feel the good MOJO already!

(Zone 4b)

OOOooo Rabit foot fern! I had one of those once!

Congratulations on your finds! I got lucky at work a couple of weeks ago, a co-worker was giving away her plants and I got a sans, mother of millions, philo, and asparagus fern!

How's the weather holding up for you up there? Hot and stuffy down south.

-plant girl :)

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Hey Chrissy...nice to see you here, finally!! HOpe you get that var. Monstera soon! I know how you've been 'coveting' it!!

Welcome home, Millertime! Home Depot, down here, has some monsterously lush Scheffleras, too. Just a note on them.....I have a Scheff, which I've had for some time...almost killed, and nursed back, but I never really liked it. It was just a big shapeless thing. After visiting a Bonsai nursery, nearby, I decided to do some sculpting, on it. Came out great! Now I actually like the darned thing! If you're very selective in your cuts, you can give a Schefflera a totally different look.

Petaluma, CA

Hi Chrissy!! Welcome to the Garden Spot Of the Web!
& you too Candy!
It's pretty homey here & I like it though I'm not up to date on my journal... Just playing in the yard "too much."
Is there such a thing as too much gardening?
not for me.....

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

hello and welcome to dg. I hope you find everything you need here-have fun
im dori in michigan

Hey Chrissy, how's grams and you doing? Or not doing? Hope you are easy in your mind. Drop a line if you need to.

Wanted to tell the world. Costco this week just got a lovely shipement of ZZ's: Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, for $13.99 for a ten gallon pot. Bonus! (I didn't buy any, I have no more room, looking for an anniversary present for Mom.)

Hey, Chrissy, something for everyone! Good to see you here.


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