leggy philodendron :(

Greenback, TN

I have a brasil philodendron that I love but it is soooo leggy. I have tried to tie it on a post etc but it still looks scraggly. What to do? Any grooming tips?

Whem my philodendrons get leggy, I either (1) cut the "legs" off and make new plants or, (2) wrap the the leggy vines around the pot and plant so that it looks fuller - you can't see it that way. I have a burgundy philodendron I've done this with, and you can't see the legginess at all. If you opt for (1), new shoots will start growing in the original plant as well.

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

If it's getting leggy, it's because it's not in bright enough light. Try moving it to a brighter spot if possible.

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)


If you decide to wrap it around the inside of the pot as ceedub suggested you can also hold the stems down with bobby pins and cover them with good potting soil. The stems will root in place then produce more shoots hence giving you a fuller plant in no type. But as Carter suggested move it to more light other wise you will have the same problem.

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