Where can I buy totem poles for my philodendrons?

Greenback, TN

I don't have even the slightest idea of where to look...

Kitzy shops in funky areas of big cities.

Funky shops in tourist towns.

Museum gift shops.

Have you tried doing an online search?

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

You know, I had *never* seen these anywhere, either....and I looked long and hard!!

But...I was just 'browsing' in the plant section of the nearest WalMart not long ago, and lo and behold, there were 3 of them, and they were marked down! So, check out your WalMart...they just might have them!

Ours had them near the 'seasonal' gardening stuff.

Greenback, TN

Thanks nan. How did you stake yours so that they looked good? Mine seems to look scraggly and leggy...

When my philodendrons start getting leggy, I either cut the leggy trailer off and make new plants with the leaves that are left, or wrap the trailing vines around the plant to "hide" the legginess. I have a Burgundy Philodendron that I do that to, and it looks lovely, can't see the legginess at all.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


You can make your own pole! Start with a piece of PVC tubing in the center (for support) and make a narrow tube around it from chicken wire. Pack the space around the PVC and inside the chicken wire with moistened Spanish Moss or Osmunda Fiber.

As you water your plant, pour some water down through the pole as well to keep the moss moist. The air roots in the Philo will grow into the pole and support the plant.

It may be a solution.....Try it! Gitagal

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