Another one of my Crazy Concoctions!

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I read about the hydrogen peroxide thing being good to spray seedlings with also to prevent the fungus gnats. Since I just started a lot of seeds I bought two huge bottles of peroxide at Sam's when I was there.
A couple of days later, I was watching the evening news. They were congratulating a man for being such a good citizen. Then I heard them mention that he saw some boys buying matches and a lot of peroxide. I thought, yeah, so what? It turns out he called the police because he was suspicious since those are two items used to make methamphetamines. I told my husband, Great! Now I will have the police watching the house. I already worried that they might think I was growing some sort of "weed" in the garage because I keep a light on all night for my pet bunnies and brugs I place in there for the winter.
I can just imagine them raiding the place and feeling really dumb when they find out that am just an ambitious winter gardener. LOL

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

HAHAHA!!!! I use Perioxide too and never knew you could make drugs with it!

Yea, it's almost grow light time at my house too!


(Zone 7a)

Well The peroxide concoction..finally rotted...he he he. I should have used vermiculite..

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Kim, last season I used the peroxide method for sunflower seeds and marigolds. The marigold seeds rotted and the sunflowers worked great. I don't know if maybe it’s because the sunflowers were hard seeds??

Jessamine, do you have any more info on the "Jell-O method"?? Sounds fun for my young sons too.

As far as seeds starting goes, I'm pretty new to this with last year’s sunflowers being my first success. (which I did post about on that thread) A fellow gardener recommends the APS seed starting method sold on Gardener’s Supply… but I checked out the prices and if I’m going to grow lots, which I do plan on doing this year, it is quite cost prohibitive. So, my question is, what do you use to start seeds?? Regular trays and keep them watered and heated?? Please help.. It’s almost time to start these seeds


Susan McCoy

(Zone 7a)

Wow! Susan, I will write back in a few on this.. Starting seeds can be very very inexpensive.

(Zone 7a)

Helpful Growing Tips: Annual flowers and vine seeds will usually germinate without any cold treatment. Hard coated seeds can benefit from being nicked and soaked in water before sowing. For example; Morning Glory seeds germinate faster when soaked before sowing. Seeds that benefit from cold treatment are usually Cold Hardy Perennials. They can be winter sown in the ground or prepared indoors. For preparing indoors, soak the seed for 24 hours. Then place the seeds in a ziplock bag in the freezer (very hardy plants), refrigerator (semi-hardy plants) until ready to sow. Therefore they will already be cold stratified and ready for sowing indoors. Always use good seed starting soil when trying to start new seeds. Purchased seed starting soil has the adequate growing nutrients for starting seedlings. Viola seeds benefit from darkness when germinating, others may need light and high warmth. Therefore do not cover the seeds with soil. Usually very tiny seeds can be sown right on the soil surface for germination. Remember to keep all seed starting moist until they germinate. Happy Gardening!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Hi All, this was a great thread, lots of good info and lots of laughs. Thanks everyone, Donna

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

OH and Kim - I did my seeds this weekend. I tried a conctoction I read about - they better come up!!- anyway it's perixoide, superthrive, and maxicrop in a light blend. I'm still terrified they won't germ though b/c I usually don't do stuff like that! Oh and MANY of the seeds I started where yours of course!!! LOL!

Anyway, my dirt which was Scott's seeds starting soil - always get from Home Depot every year - had huge LOGS and roots! GRR.. I had 6 different bags so it wasn't just one bad one. Of course I just picked that out and kept on going but I was surprised!

Anyone have a better brand name starting soil!


(Zone 7a)

Miracle grow soil is good.. And I have about 99.9% success with vermiculite

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

Sam's sells garden soil and I bought a huge bag for about 10 dollars. I don't get the real cheap stuff because my soil is lousy and the seedlings need something really good to put their roots in before they have to fend for themselves outdoors.
I am soaking hollyhock seed and datura and a few brugs today. I will plant them in their pots tomorrow. I am just using plain water, but will spray them with a peroxide solution as they need watering.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Cool! I am so worried about my concoction... guess I will find out soon enough though.. :)

(Zone 7a)

My Cerinthe Major Germinated!!!!!..I'm doing the happy happy happy dance...Yippie..It just sprouted out of nowhere. I looked an hour ago and nothing. Wooohooo it must really wanted to grow :-D
Lots of heat, humidity, and moisture...that darn plant didn't do nothing for me last year...he he he

(Zone 7a)

Ooh Ohhh ohhh!!! and all my Calycanthus Floridus popped out...he he he. FUN FUN FUN!!! Those are easy though..ha ha

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Go girl!!! I just planted some seeds but in regular seedmix soil.
:) Donna

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

What a great thread, funny and informative! Congrats Kim!
What's the status NC?

I had the same problem with scott's, plus it has fungicide or something in it, that I don't want on my veggies. I switched to Ladybug, less and smaller sticks, and the small rocks are on purpose, for minerals, and they usually stay out of the way.

Mel Bartholemew with Square Foot Gardening germinates his veggie seeds in a parkay type bowl with vermiculite. I just bought a small bag at a greenhouse, so I am going to give that a try. Interesting soaking the peppers in tea. Last year I had problems, this year I kept them on top of the lights for warmth, and on cold mornings I set the tray(metal) on top of the radiator type heater for a short while.

I love to laugh, thanks for all the great posts!


Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

hmmm, I may try a different mix next year! Well I have some seedlings coming up so I guess I haven't killed everything! Shew!!! I was holding my breath there for awhile!!

(Zone 7a)

Well the other thread got kinda long and I was tired of scrolling...LOL LOL. Today I have started the Marigolds. 15 different kind. No concoction on these..he he he. I just dropped a good looking seed in each pellet. I will post pictures of the as they begin to grow under the dome :-D After I put the top on, that is..ha

If your interested in reading Part #2

Thumbnail by Kim_M
(Zone 7a)

Day 3

I see a lot of questions about "How to start seeds" lately. I mean no harm to anyone by saying this..But all seeds will germinate (eventually). Just put a concoction on them if they give you a hard time! Play around with a few and see what works. Most seeds I can look at and tell how to germinate it. If it has a hard coat, then I nick it. If it's cold hardy then I freeze it. If it's supper hard then I nick and soak, I've been known to file them with nail files, clip with toenail clippers, even use a hammer! I germinate some in water..Like my Canna seeds. I have yet to germinate an Akebia seed...Ohhhh but when I find the right concoction I'll let ya know. LMBO ha ha ha Now don't get me wrong..Some seeds are a pain and I get mad and pitch them all. But eventually I try again. I even get mad with some of my seedlings if they don't look the way I want..I give them to the trash. Well enough of my babbling..ha ha ha. Gonna go see what I can concoct for tomorrow :-D I have some Erythrina I'm gonna try to make germinate.

(Zone 7a)

Whoops! Posted with to the wrong thread..I can keep up with my seeds but not my threads :-/

(Zone 7a)

And even forgot to attach the photo..Must be time for bed!

Day 3 of the Marigolds

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Kim--love your threads. lots of good info for this seed starter newbie...

I tried to find a thread that I had seen several months ago about starting seeds in paper towels or coffee filters, but I couldn't locate it...does anyone know what I am talking about? If you have the link, I would appreciate it...

I'll keep lurking here--so much good (and happy) stuff. :-) Thanks for posting. t.

(Zone 7a)

Yesss I use paper towels for starting cilantro and pepper seeds.. They seem to require a lot of humidity and warmth to germinate. I use Bounty paper towel, fold it in four. Moisten well (not dripping) Then add the seeds inbetween. Seal it in a ziplock bag. When the seeds sprout I place them in the pot until ready to plant outdoors.. Hope this helps!

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