Another one of my Crazy Concoctions!

(Zone 7a)

I do just about anything to germinate my seeds. But this time I may have gotten besides myself! LOL LOL. Most of my trees I start from seed. But I know absolutely nothing about germinating Floss Silk Tree (Chorisia speciosa) Well the PDB says "germinate in vitro in gelatin, agar or other medium" huh??? Being that I have No Idea what this means...I went to the kitchen..I figured Acid? So I mixed Salt with Coke Cola, then nuked it in the microwave for a few seconds. After it bubbled I dropped the seeds in. They seemed to like it too! They swelled up..LOL LOL. I'm sure there is a better way to do this..But anyway..I mixed those ingredients with a Seed Starting soil. I couldn't find any gelatin or would have used that too! ha ha ha ha. Now I have it all inclosed in a ziplock bag. I'll be floored if they germinate...I really need to get a grip! Why must I play with my seeds?? LOL LOL !!! I'll keep yall posted...Just incase I get too many Floss Silk Trees..he he he he

(Zone 4a)

Gee, Kim!

I hope it doesn't blow up!

(Just teasing.)

(Zone 7a)

I better go check on it! Forgot all about them..LOL LOL LOL

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

hahah love it!!!! You are too funny, let us know if it works!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

HAHA! Interesting! You proabably already know this Kim but I read on another thread to use 1 tbl of Hydrogen Perioxide to 1 Gal of water to help germination also. Can't remember the person who suggested it but they also added Superthrive and Maxicrop to that mixture. Haven't tried it myself yet though... Did buy the Maxicrop but don't have the other yet! I do add the Perioxide to my watering can when I water though.

(Zone 7a)

Nope! Didn't know about the Peroxide...Hmmmm why'd you tell me?? More Concoctions to play with now! LOL LOL ha ha ha It was better left untold...ha ha ha ha

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

I will try to find the thread - the folks talking about it said it could germ. seeds they couldn't get to germ. any other way....

I know I printed the 'mix' ingriedents and they are in my journal which is in my car. I will try to remember to post it this weekend! I have to keep my seed packets/ envelopes, etc in my car or my DH will put them 'up' and I will never find them again!! LOL

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Well there are a million threads about it but here is one of them.. IT's not the one I wanted to find though.

I am going to keep looking!

Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 5a)

I have tried some strange concoctions too so I don't have any problem with your mixture and will watch here with interest. Some kitchen cabinet staples can be used in a pinch. If you have some cornstarch make a thick gel of it by cooking it with water until it is clear. If it is not clear it won't set up. Put each seed into about a teaspoonful of the gel. Regular Jell-o made into Jigglers wil work too if you don't have any Knox Gelatin. Pour it into a pan that will give you at least 1/2 inch thickness. Cut it into cubes for individual seed cubes. Don't put it into the fridge after you plant the seeds. You can actually plant the cube in the soil and the breakdown of the gel produces heat so seeds can be planted early. Jessamine

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

Now my strange concoctions are going to have competition!!

I love your sense of humor Kim, it sounds like you and I think a great deal alike!!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Wow Jessamine - wonders never cease! There has not been a day that I haven't learned something new from DG!!

(Zone 7a)

He he he he...Ok..I put some Peroxide in the bag. Still awaiting the outcome...LOL LOL LOL

(Zone 7a)

Note: When using Peroxide..alow air to escape from the ziplock bag. By not completely closing the bag.

Yes my bag exploded and the soil popped out and landed on the cats. Scared the daylights out of them...LOL All is well now. I have adjusted the bag size and air.

This message was edited Dec 12, 2004 8:53 AM

(Zone 7a)

Jessamine...why oh why are you giving a crazy woman like me ideas? More toys for me to play with...Hmmm lets go see if I have some Jello..The kids have some mystery flavor/color Jello..will that work too? LMAO!!!

Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 5a)

Oh I love to hear about some of the trials and errors we gardeners have. Although I would like to take credit for the gel grow cubes I have to admit the idea was in Organic gardening magazine about 18 years ago. I had already tried agar which is what labs use to grow bacteria cultures etc. It is made from seaweed and is expensive. If you have tried bio-tech or flasking orchids, agar is the base they mix the plant hormones into. Jello and Knox Gelatine are also made from seaweed. If you use Jello, try the kind with sugar, not artificial sweetener. The sugar acts as a plant food and also produces heat as it breaks down. Corn starch is all food. Jessamine

Greenback, TN

that sounds like something I would do. I was reading the note and the tone was so serious the next part had me bursting out with laughing. Thank you for a good belly laugh first thing in the morning. It surely promises a good day.

This message was edited Feb 15, 2005 6:14 AM

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Here here!! That was hilarous!!! hmm... might be fun to try just for the effect!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Weak tea is also a germination enhancer. About 1/2 strength tea will help plants such as peppers that are sometimes difficult to start.

Soak overnight and then plant.

(don't drink the leftovers!)

(Zone 7a)

Peppers are a pain..But I found a good way...They seem to like it. I use a Bounty Paper the Peper seeds in the towel, moisten and ziplock it up. Put it somewhere warm. When you come back..Every seed has germinated.

Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 5a)

I am surprised to hear of problems with Pepper seeds. I always thought they were one of the easiest. What problems do you have? I have always used pasturized soil. Would that be what makes the difference? Jessamine

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I've have seeds germinate in the Water Crystal thingys that you add to soil to retain moisture. I've started a few cuttings that way also.

(Zone 7a)

Wooops! I didn't read this part Nicole 1 tbl of Hydrogen Perioxide to 1 Gal of water to help germination also. Ummmm maybe that's why my bag exploded...

Note 2: Do Not Add 1 tablespoon to 4 ounces of Water

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)


Ooopss sucked coffee down wrong wind pipe!! Choking and laughing!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Mainly, peppers need heat to germinate...habaneros do best at about 80*....but I think it's the nitrate in the tea that wakes them up.

I've never had much trouble with peppers either...but there are lots of complaints around the veggie world about finickey peppers.

(Zone 7a)

Ohhhh Boy! The cats knocked the concoction over with the peroxide. After scrounging on my hands and knees looking for 2 seeds..I found them. All dried up. Well got the peroxide out again..this time just a drip drop, added some salt. By George I think I got it! I see a white stem sticking out. I'll keep you posted.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)


Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Do you think this would work for jap.maple seeds.Thanks,Jody

(Zone 7a)

I'm not sure...Maple seeds germinate very easily. But these are the green ones I'm referring too. I wouldn't try a concoction on Maple...LOL. Just try to germinate them on good seed starting soil :-D

This message was edited Dec 1, 2004 1:12 PM

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Okay,I'll take your advise.
What seeds would work with your system.

(Zone 7a)

Which system??? LOL

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Peroxide! and or any information.LOL.Jody

(Zone 7a)

ha ha ha...You just tell me what you want germinated. Then I'll tell you what kind of treatment I would give it...

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

Kim How are the tree seeds in the coke/salt/H2O2/kitchen sink doing? Joelle

(Zone 7a)

One has germinated so far :-D

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Cool! I am learning quit a bit here!!!

Hawesville, KY(Zone 6a)

Awesome information here:
great minds and entertainment all on one sight .
Thanks all of you I like starting the day out this way.

Valley Village, CA

Well I[ve heard everything now. LOL You gals are a kick. he he he Don't tell me you are all master gardeners? I'm really laughing, your all so funny. For heaven's sake I hope you don't smoke, that mixture will explode!
I just dropped in to say hello. I propagate for a Major Garden here in Calif. I hope you don't mind me paying a visit once in a while. I work with succulents, so I may be of some help in that area. Crasulady2

(Zone 7a)

Crasulady2..Glad to see ya! Hope you stop by more often :-D

Eagle, ID(Zone 6b)

Hi, I am coming back just for the laughs. You all just make my day brighter. Don't stop.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Kim what's happened with your coke and salt experiment??? This is a great thread!
:) Donna

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