Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

A friend recently gave me a _china doll_ houseplant that was well over half dead. I revived it and took great pleasure in said rescue. Alas, as scripture dictates, "Pride goeth before the fall" and now it has a very strange condition. It almost looks like I sprinkled a little bit of flour on the leaves, a very light coat. Upon inspection with my handy dandy magnifying glass I see that it is not flour or flour-like, and the tiny specs or flecks are a bit elongated, not a true round shape. The specs do rub off between thumb and finger and the new growth seems unaffected. If you know what it is, please advise a treatment. I’m hoping for a systemic remedy as I have a strong aversion to toxic sprays, unless they are organic or nearly so. I’ve seen mealy bugs a lot, and this is quite different.
Too small to photograph with my simple camera.

Thanks so much!

Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

Some eggs of thrips have an elongated shape and are white in color. Could this be your culprit?

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

Eggs, hummm. They are very thread lilke, thin filaments. Thinner than a fine hair almost. Thanks.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Sounds like spider mites and their webbing to me....maybe?

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Doesn't sound quite like anything I've ever heard. I'd take it out of the pot, runt he whole plant under water and repot in fresh potting mix. Then spray with an alchohol water solution.

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