overwintering fern

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I've taken in my fern, that loves the porch, and now her leaves hard dropping off like crazy. I know it's difficult to keep them looking good in winter but should I cut off the leaves and let it start growing from scratch? I guess it's a boston fern - one that most people have hanging on their covered porches. I did repot it about a month ago, giving plenty of room for new roots. It gets direct evening sun and is in a large bathroom. So moisture is good and it's watered weekly.

How can I stop the tons of leaves from falling? and yellowing?

Thanks for any info.

Shihtzumom, I don't take any of my ferns outside because I'm too lazy to treat for bugs before I bring them back in ... lol ... so I applaud you!

Did you possibly re-pot in too big a pot for the root system? You should only go up 1-2" in the width of your container when you transplant. Also, rather than a weekly watering, it might be better if you let your plant stay moderately moist by watering a little less, but every 2-3 days instead of once a week. Misting your leaves can't hurt either to infuse a bit more moisture.

Its natural for a plant to lose leaves if it has a shock, and bringing it in the house from being outside all summer can be very shocking to it.

Hope some of this helps!!


Orangeville, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi! I also have this same question, sort of. We bought four huge hanging ferns and now we don't want to lose them! However, we don't have a lot of room to keep them, either, nor a greenhouse. I don't suppose they're one of those plants you can just stash in your basement to let go dormant for the winter? My other option is to keep them at my mom's house in an enclosed porch that's kept about 50 degrees in the winter (though it gets a bit warmer when the sun comes in). It faces east and gets good light. Only problem is, she can't guarantee their survival (sometimes my mom forgets to water...) SO anyhow, any advice? :)

GT, the plants are going to have problems not getting enough water, as they should be kept fairly moist. Also, the temperature in yhour mom's porch will be too cold for them. These ferns don't need much sun; is there a bright room you can put them in, away from a window? Good luck!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Most experts will tell you to forget trying to winter-over unless you have a greenhouse, because they will loose all their leaves, making the biggest mess ever.

It you can't stand the mess, throw them out because they are going to loose most of their leaves. If you cut them back it really stunts them so you might as well throw them out.

I'm fortunate in that I can enclose my porch in plastic (kinda like a greenhouse) and the mess doesn't matter. I have 8 that I have had for 3 years now and they are giants also in giant pots.

Re putting them in the basement, they might survive but will would most likely be stunted.

Greenthumber - they won't need watering but about once every 2 weeks depending upon the size pot they are in and if they are root bound or not. (root bound requires more watering) Can you visit them that often?

I just made this up and I'm going to try it .... if you are going to toss, you might try putting them in a giant clear plastic trash bag and tie the top, opening it every week or so just to check their condition.. too much water or not enough. These would need to be put in bright light but not direct sun. Interesting, interesting.

I think some of my ferns are shown on this webpage www.puppygal.com/house.html if not you'll see some of my house plants.

Hope I've helped,


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

WOW, beautiful webpage!!!! Four porches!!! Gorgeous Bullies......Girl, you live in Paradise!

Judy, your plants put me to shame - I have about 70-80 tropicals, but it looks like you'd run out of time before you finished counting! Absolutely stunning array! Wonderful!

Orangeville, PA(Zone 6a)

WOW! Beautiful pictures and plants! Your windows look a lot like mine except I have a lot more furniture to work around, unfortunately! Yes, my mom lives closeby so I could water them once a week or two. But with three little ones I'm hard-pressed to remember to go do it. I could call my mom and remind her, though...hmmm. Her enclosed glass porch, actually, gets down to about 50 only at night and when it's bitterly cold outside. Like I said, the sun streams in and warms it plus they have some baseboard electric heat for keeping it from freezing. Her plants seem to thrive there (when she remembers to water them, of course!) So I will try it. I wish I could keep them at my house but I just do not have the room. And I would never chuck them...I'd rather kill them by trying to save them first (hehe). I didn't think the basement'd work. Well, unless I bought a couple flourescent shop lights and buy grow lights for them..... but I think the sunroom sounds better than a cold dark basement with artificial lighting. :) I know which I'd rather be wintered over in, at least! :) Thanks so much for all your advice!!! I also have a HUGE dragon wing begonia I need to find out about overwintering.....anyone, any ideas? By huge, I mean 3 feet high and at least that wide.


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

This summer I decided "We have today but we're not guaranteed tomorroow." so I'm going to have all the plants I want! I already had too many but I ordered in some plugs, lost order, out of stock and I made the mistake of saying just send what you want. Three times more than I had ordered. I think I ended up with 600 plugs. lol lol lol It like to have worked me to death!!! Plus I was giving them away right and left. I probably have 200 handing pots, you haven't seen pictures of the trees, they are full of them. Anyone who comes to visit is sure I have gone over the edge. Then I bought a 38 cell flat of Dragon wing begonias and another flat of some purple stuff like wandering jew on steriods. In addition to the 200 I kept I gave away about 150 hanging pots full of plants to just anyone, it didn't matter - my neighbors, the ladies at the butcher shop, the UPS man, utility work crew who cut down trees under the power lines, etc etc

Dragon wings do not do as well as Angel Wings as far as wintering over. I wintered over 3 about the same size last year. If they are blooming now my suggestion would be to take them to your Mother's lol lol lol There they will get plenty of what they need and keep on growing.

Best advice otherwise is to break off about 1/3 of the limbs after they drop their blooms and just water them enough to keep them alive, they will look pitiful but come spring they will perk right back up.

Long story we're still building on this house, deed to the land involved in a lawsuit and my furniture is in storage as a result... now I think I rather have plants. I'm too busy to enjoy furniture anyway. We're either working or sitting on the porch watching deer turkey, etc.

Life is too short not to do the things that make you happy.


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Any of you want a box of cuttings for postage?


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