Local Weather - November 2004, Part 1

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

I use to get that catalogue too. I saw it when I googled weather instruments a little while ago.

Working from memory on specifications for taking temps. Ambient air temps are taken 5 feet above the ground and 10 feet from trees, buildings, etc. The weather service is the keeper of specifications. Wind is measured 10 ft above the ground. Don't remember how far from obstructions. Rain guages are supposed to be placed twice the distance as the height of obstructions. To tell the truth, if I were to build another weather station I would have to research the specifications again. I'm sure they are on the internet.

Sydney, my Taylor min-max (uses the magnets) is placed between my shed and garage which are 2 ft. apart. Placement under the house eaves might work if "close enough" is good enough. Otherwise you will need a longer cable. I wanna a bona fide weather station in the worst way but, its just not gonna happen. Oh well. :-)

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

I have an indoor/outdoor set-up but it's wireless. . .transmits the temp/humidity to inside base. It has alot of bells and whistles, but mostly just look at temp and humidity. . rely on weatherunderground for the details.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

In Texas, walk 5 paces out the door , lick your finger, stick it in the wind over your head. Most info you need can be obtained in this manner.

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

I was thinking the same thing, most days it's the walk out to get the paper. . .pretty much tells it all. . .

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Those are my current means of weather analysis.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

It's still Thursday and it's been a busy day. Wed nites temps never dropped below 48 and today we warmed to 68 and much was accomplished in the lovely calm before the storm feeling. Air coming at us from Arzona keeping us warm at night usely preceeds a storm of sorts, we'll see. I've been away from my weather gurus all day.

Wanted to post that my indoor/outdoor has a sensor that hangs out the window on the north side of my house - the wonder is that 95% of the time it agrees with the official temps on the local tv station.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

I use weatherdepot.com on my desktop b/c of the many different weather maps. Be sure to use a spyware program if you use ANY of the desktop weather programs!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Sunny now,72*, 72% chance of guardening.(;>).

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

45* and damp and breezy here. 10% chance of gardening.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

57º, rain, rain, rain. 0% chance of even going outside much less gardening!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

50,5* rain supose to taper off tonight will be too wet the work outside tomarrow, but sunday is looking better.

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

A breath inbetween rains. Last night was so heavy I peeked at the radar about midnight and was not surprised to see yellow covering our area. The back fourty is one big pond this morning, zero chance of gardening, but a fair chance at boating. More pouring expected tomorrow. : (

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Dyson soggy weeds pull easier. Sidney
ladyanne, do you have a fishin pole?

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm at the " bed building " stage right now and the lumber isn't as easy to work with when wet. Sorta cloggs the saw.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

You win on that one. Do it sunday.(;>)

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

Got a fishing pole, yup. I need to get the fishies that live in the lower pond that leads directly to the section of yard that flooded BACK into the lower pond as the water receeds. Yikes. Thank goodness the big fishies are in the upper pond, lol!!

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Been a gloriously beautiful day. . .slightly chilly, after-rain-fresh-and-clean air. . .clouds and sunshine intermittant. . .topped out at 60*. . .perfect for transplanting a bunch of lettuce and seed collecting til I ran out of time. . .hate these shorter days. . .just can't get as much done it seems and harder to get out there in the AM when it's a little nippy. Had a nice downpour last night too ladyannne. . .right about 11pm it started coming down pretty good. . .still only ended up with about 1/5 of an inch of rain for the whole day. . .more coming I hear . . .keep it coming as it keeps the dreaded tule fog at bay. Amazing to me that only 35 or 40 miles north, you get alot more rain than we do. . .

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

We got another good rain, started in the wee hours, and just now I peeked at the satelite. Are you getting that purple spot this morning or is it south of you? Take a look at the ocean, golly gee, what a collection out there hovering, lol!! I lost my rain gauge, think it fell in the pond and it's lost forever with my silver bracelet, sob. Must get another!!

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

They keep making noise about rain here but so far none. :-( Ladyanne, I think my rainguage decamped and made for damper climes as we have been in a drought for several years. At any rate, it is long gone. Do snails eat rainguages like they do everything else?

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

LOL!! I can see these snails carrying it off, to use for, hmmm....a shelter? LOL!! Icky pooh on the drought!!

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Ladyannne. . .sorry to hear about your bracelet and your rain guage. . .must be a story behind how that bracelet got to be in the pond LOL. No more rain here and it's half overcast and some blue sky. . .will be a good day for the hugh daffodil memorium planting they're doing out at Woodward Park today and for the CSUF campus tree walk, which I think I'll go check out. . .the trees on the Fresno State campus are just gorgeous and it's perfect timing to see them in their fall regalia and get some great info from the botanical crew over there. 54* right now and misty in places. . .50* dew point w/88% humidity. . supposed to get to about 64 today. . .still as can be right now. . .beautiful mornin.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Another morning it didn't freeze, didn't even come close, 44* for our low. I'm guessing we'll hit in the 70's today, will let you know if I'm right. THIS is more like it. I haven't checked the weather channel for a coupla days and don't know if it's going to hold.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

We got about a millimicron of rain this morning. The sun is out now and I am glad. This has been the cloudiest November I can remember since I left PA. We haven't had rain to amount to anything in Nov., but it has been cloudy more often than not.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Well clouds moved in and temps dropped from high fifties right down to 49 in a half hours time. It's apparantly snowing on the La Sal mountains -- can't see them, way low clouds hanging over them.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

finaly stopped raining here mabe dry enough to work outside tomarrow.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Overcast, hi 52, lo 46. Several days w/o sun now.

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

I WORKED OUTSIDE ALL DAY!! Ooops, please excuse my enthusiasm. It was great. Once in a while a dark little cloud floated overhead but left when we cursed it. I got all my brugs planted, all the Sweetheart vines and Pothos transplanted and in the house, all the bulbs in, all the Hummingbird bush cuttings planted. I am ONE happy camper. Rain on!!! Oh, and we got the roff tarped so MAYBE I can put away the buckets.

Janet, the bracelet let go JUST as I brought my arm out of the water about two years ago. The pond is about six inches deeper than the distance of my finger tips to my shoulder. Summer is a good time to vacuum the pond, winter is NOT. I never did find it, but I did find the catnip potted plant. Surprise, surprise!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

LadyAnne, you need a kid with a face mask and snorkel. There ya go. Then again like Maude [Harold and Maude] you'll always know right where it is. heehee

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Blooms, I loved that scene where Maude threw the "coin" in the pond, LOL!

edited to add: It's one of my 3 favorite movies, along with "King of Hearts" and "Babette's Feast"

This message was edited Nov 13, 2004 9:53 PM

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

I LOVE THAT MOVIEEEE!!!!! Thought I was the only person in the world who knew that one, lololol.....gonna go watch it.

Edited to say" My other favorite being "Silent Running" and, uh, yeah, it was a coin that said "Harold loves Maude" or something like that. Insert sheepish grin.

This message was edited Nov 13, 2004 7:37 PM

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Not coin, the ring Harold gave her. heeheehee

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

No, it was not a ring. It was one of those circular metal things you could buy at fairs and stamp them with letters around the edges. His said "Harold Loves Maude" if I'm not mistaken.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Ladyanne when you get to that part write and let us know... K?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Wish my movies weren't packed, because now I'm not sure either, LOL.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Good morning all, it's 64* and wind gust to 35mph, cloudy and ugh!

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

Sorry, Blooms, Darius gets this one. Harold hands it to her, she is overjoyed at a present, reads it out loud, "Harold loves Maude" and holds it tight, then tosses it, his face is worth a million. Incredible movie. Darius, yours are packed?

45 here at 6 am and foggy, gloomy. At least the rain is gone, but there's a heck of a front still hovering out in the Pacific. Still learning to 'read' these. Has anyone ever found a website that reports how low it actually got the night before? I have all my tropics in the unheated winter greenhouse, and while I am watching them carefully, I am also trying to track how well they do to what temp, etc.

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Just walked out to get the paper this AM and it's high fog and 44*. . .had first of the season driving in the fog experience last night at 10:00. . .left my folks hourse 20 miles out in the country. . Raisin City. . .and it was foggy. . .visibility about 20 feet in places. . .beginning of a few months of the stuff unless a storm system is around. One just left and we got a little precip out of it. . . so this is business as usual as it gets close to Thanksgiving. Been watching that system on the satelite moving across your area sugarweed and into the gulf. . .pretty big storm system. . .much rain out of it?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)


I have only seen that movie about a hundred times, and thought I had it right but my memory is also not what it used to be. I still have one full storage unit to bring here to my new apartment, mostly my collectibles including books and a few movies. (and tons of my mother's stuff I need to get rid of.)

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

jcangmei I checked out this site and it looks like St Augustine is getting a good storm. The big one you are talking about is 1000 mi. west. I live in the upper east corner of Florida. 26 miles south of Georgia.
But its still not sunny.

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

I found that weather.com has previous weather back a week, but I am a but confused. It's 45 now, Sunday morning, they report a low of 49 yesterday, I assume they mean Friday night was 49?

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