Local Weather - November 2004, Part 1

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

I look at the hardiness map and it really conflicts with my memory of minimun temps in the Valley! Dang! I thought it was my short term memory that was going. Global warming? Now I'm really confused! :-)

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Some of us unemployed scrubber builders call that GLOBAL WARMING. It will probably not ever get as cold as it did when we were kids.

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

LOLOL!! The heat feels better on these old bones, anyway!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes it does.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

ladyanne- I have cherimoya seeds- will we have to hand pollinate to get fruit as I read somewhere......... (shuffling through book marks can't find it)

Its been in the mid 60's here all week and quite cold at night although the Santa Ana's have gone away and that helps a lot. Loads of clouds though, big and dark. Feels just like fall as we have lost almost all of the leaves that we will lose on the Jujuba tree. No rain here til at least next Sunday.

Still dark too early. Too much to do, not enough light.

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Ladyannne. . .Was just reading through the info for posting in the GardenWatchdog and came across this. . .thought I'd seen it before, but for the life of me couldn't remember where. .


Edited: looks like it goes only to 15. . .LOL

This message was edited Nov 9, 2004 7:10 PM

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

That's the map, Jan! Thanks! Tell me I am not that blind, how could you read the numbers?? Old AND blind here, maybe?

We are slowly nudging down to the 40's, (thinking of Blooms, wonder how she's doing, brrrrr!) and some of the plants are starting to look a bit peaked. We are supposed to be in the thirties by Saturday. I did manage to get most my babies in the winter greenhouse last night, still have some snail plant babies out there I can't locate, more to gather and I have to chop a few plants in two in order to fit them in. It's going to break my heart but oh well, I will have more plants, right? Probably having a coleus funeral next week.

Daisy, I am not sure about the Cherimoyas. I have a dozen babies just a foot tall. If you read that again, I would love to know. Meanwhile, I have to find a home for most of them, these are going to be real trees.

Sugar, what is a scrubber builder?

John, {peeking into my coffee cup again, wondering} your memory is just fine. My other half, from one of the original Modesto ranch families, remembers weather in the teens. After all, the zones are averages or standards, and heaven knows we all break those from time to time.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

ladyanne, When we burn coal to fire these big turbines that make most of this country's electricity, the result is what you have in smoke coming off of this coal burning. This is where "Scrubbers" come in.
They are electrostatic air purifiers installed in the exhaust systems. or rather smoke stacks you see at places like the XYZ Steam Station. We call these "Scrubbers", cause they scrub ACID, and alot of gunk we dont need in our air.
I'm just an aging ole Boilermaker, a pioneer so to speak, as I was one of the first females to take on this profession in these parts. I can only tell you about my first exhast duct repair job at a TVA facility, Paradise,Kentucky.
It was my first out-of-state job when I was an apprentice Fall, 1990. I of course wanted to "show em" I could do it as well as any one, so I was all in. At noon, my foreman told me I should watch what I was touching. I wondered why some had white suits on, but it wasn't like they really wanted to encourage my squating in their territory. When I washed my clothes, Every place that had "touched" was no more.
I had swiss cheese to wear. rivets and zippers.
And that is what IS NOT being built because the right people dont CARE.
On top of the "Ozone" being etched daily, all boilers have to have a water supply from some where, so they are beside our lakes and rivers.
They try to build the "stacks" tall enough to ship the air some where else, and evidently it works, because many species like the Pinon Pines in Cedar Crest, New Mexico are almost wiped out. When we plant an Xeroscape we dont go out and mist our plants with acid daily.
Thanks, I've been wanting to get that off my chest.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Our low was only 40* last night. and we can hope for low 60*s today sounds perfect for getting some things done. THIS I could handle all winter long. Fat chance. but it's more in line with happy memories of autumns when we wore shorts 'til Christmas.

PAllen is on tv, telling me it's the perfect time to be planting shrubs and bulbs. So I guess I'll get out there.

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

Sometimes I almost prefer being an ostrich, staying home, no telly, no depressing news, which can be so gruesome and I had never heard all that before. I wasted all my youthful energy on burning bras and draft cards, should have been spending more time and thought into things like this!!

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Sidney. . that is an interesting post. . .thanks for the lesson in 'air cleaning'. . .I knew other places have bad air problems and not just here, ours just doesn't come from burning coal. . .other culprits here. .

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

48.2 d, 52% h, gotta get somethng done outside today as the temps are DROPPING.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Sugar, I knew all along what you were referring to, and really didn't want to hear that lax regulations were allowing them NOT to have scrubbers. Most of the lakes in the Adirondacks of uptate New York have 'died' or are dying because of the acid in the skies raining down into them... Places we used to fish, without a fish, or little creepy crawly, or frog, or water plant... acid lake means d e a d.
They are clear, you can see to the bottom and you see there's nothing in them.

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

48.2? Not 48? Gee. (How much DOES that outfit weigh, anyway, Dyson???)

Oh, Blooms, that makes me shiver. Makes me think of Solyent Green, and the film that was played for Edward G when he went to "the room" to die. Or Silent Running and the forests. Things we shall never see again. We need a cherrier subject.

48.2?? Really?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Blooms I'm sorry, I should have answered ladyanne's question privately I guess.
I love fish and fishin too. And yes the lakes and rivers never escape.
Its 60* outside and down in the low 50's last night. "They canceled the rain FF" said.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

There are some who say the regulations are not lax enough! They are few but, powerful.

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

Sugar, no need to apologize, or, apology accepted, what ever works!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Sugar, didn't mean you shouldn't have mentioned, or talked about it. We do need to be aware, so that if a chance comes we know what we're talking about. I was only making an observation. Not a political statement. As far as I'm concerned so were you. Just explaining what you do or did for a living. Fine by us. Meanwhile it's 52* out now, see ya later. ~Blooms

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)


Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

52.3 and i gotta go put the battle armor on .......

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

55* here and feels much colder!

ed to say: forgot to add that its raining too!

This message was edited Nov 10, 2004 12:56 PM

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

Waiting for light rain here in a warm 61. 52.3?? I GOTTA get me one of those.

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

51* and 49* dew pt. . .smattering of rain yesterday late afternoon and maybe more on the way. . .that's quite the gear (battle armor?) you have to wear Dyson (saw the pic on SS thread) for work. . .I missed what kind of plant you work in. . .

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I work at a plant where windows are manufactured, In the section known as the "Glass house". The glass is, of course, very sharp and it is a job where you need to pay attention too what you are doing. 47.1* 65% hum - clear & cool

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

AAhhmm, 71.6* 65% humidity, still unemployed.

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

Sugar, lol!! Here, too, (unemployed) but it is my choice. Looking for another day of light rain, I think, Janet. Just enough to discourage serious outside activities. They say Saturday, too, but it will change before that, always seems to lately. Does it matter if your barometer is in the house or outside? Wouldn't cooking, laundry, dishes, etc, raise the house barometer? Wondering if I should investigate buying one for the outside.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I had the good fortune to receive a weather radio for my birthday last week. It's electric, but has battery back-up, and has an alarm if there are weather alerts in my area. What a wonderful gift. It is only NOAA weather stations.

Now I just want an indoor-outdoor thermometer!

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

I miss an old thermometer I had in the greenhouse, the kind that registers the hottest and coldest temps on a mercury tube with magnets at both ends. Must get one of those again, but I need one that goes over 120.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I do have an indoor thermometer that registers the high and low of both temps and humidity. Still want an indoor-outdoor one.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Radio shack has a nice little unit I am useing. http://www.radioshack.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=CTLG&category%5Fname=CTLG%5F010%5F005%5F001%5F000&product%5Fid=63%2D1030

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

John, that looks almost like my indoor unit!

How well does it work for you, and do you have more than one outdoor probe?

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

useing one outdoor unit in the tool shed, plan to put one under the house where the water freezes up every year. & if I ever get a green house put up the last one there. The remote unit is moisture resistant. But you cannot place it where the sensor port can fill with water or you have to let it dry forever before you get good hum. readings again (live & learn). - Dyson

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Sorry I called you John... your post sounded SO like comments from "Imway2dumb" . What is your name?

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Believe it or not my real name is Dyson (first name not last).

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)


Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

darius, Dyson didn't deserve that! LOL! Check this unit out guys. Had one of these a while back.


Also, google "weather instruments." There are all kinds of cool weather instruments out there.

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

I used to get the most wonderful catalog, can't get my mind to think of it's title right now. Weathervanes to instruments in the four digit range, but it's a grand wish book.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Ahhh, I used to get that one too. And also forget the name, LOL.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I particularily like the "Wine Temp" feature of this one John. I have a not-remote indoor, outdoor Therom...(can't pronounce it either) Mine has a tiny cable that runs outside. I need to find a way to suspend my outdoor probe where its not affected by the brick or other surfaces its near right now. any suggestions.
74.1*, 65% humidity and light drizzel.

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