how to root syngonium

how do you guys root syngonium???

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Jerry,

As another idea I grow my syngomiums in water alone. (They never made good transitions to soil for me, whenever I tried it, after a time in the soil, they died.)

So mine live full time in a vase of water which I change abt once a month & to which I add charcoal bits to help keep the water 'less yucky' (for lack of a better term).

If you water root them & them pot them up in soil, pls. don't wait 'til the roots are too long before you pot them up, as that can be a problem. HTH

Pirate Girl

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)


Not disagreable, just different experience, yielding different results.

I only mentioned the caution abt not letting it water root for too long as sometime back at "the Old Home" someone (Willcreed, Doc Greenfingers, etc.) had shared an interesting explanation abt the different root cell structures as between those rooted in water vs. those rooted in soil.

But I too have let pothos water root WAYYYYY too long, trimmed the roots a bit & potted up w/ no problem, so I do understand what you mean.

Jerry, so at any rate you certainly have options here, good luck, whichever way you try (or even both)!!

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