houseplant magazine help

Longview, TX

Is there a great houseplant mag out? I would like to get one for my mom.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I've never seen one, either, but would love to get ahold of one if it exists!

The closest I've ever seen was called 'Fine Gardening'....they also had a website...I'm not sure if they still exist or not.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I think there's a "Container Gardener", too. But I'm not sure that it's not just a special addition of something else. I can check when I get home this evening.

Longview, TX

Yes, I believe Fine Gardening still exists. My mom loves container gardening too.

Longview, TX

I gave up. Looked high and low for the right mag. Decided to get her an order to Fine Cooking by Taunton Press instead. Same people as Fine Gardening....outta be good.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Kelly, You're right, Container Gardening is "the best of Fine Gardening" Boy, if there is a good magazine on houseplants, I would love to know what it is, too.

I hope your mom enjoys Fine Cooking, though!

Mechanicsburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Years ago, about late 70's, there was a great magazine called House Plants and Porch Gardens that was excellent. That doesn't do us any good now, but wouldn't it be great if someone could start another one like that again?

Knoxville, TN

Hobby Greenhouse Association has a quarterly publication that I really enjoy. They feature lots of houseplants and members write articles. You can become a member at the HGA web site. You can also order a sample magazine for 3 or 4 dollars.

Mechanicsburg, PA(Zone 6b)

The president of the national HGA is also the president of our local chapter.
I don't have a greenhouse, but HGA is a really great group to share ideas with. When I finally do get a greenhouse, the advise of the folks in HGA will help me avoid lots of firsttimers mistakes. I highly recommend joining either or both the national HGA or a local chapter.

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

Remember to look into the magazines at your library... you check them out just like books. We get Fine Gardening, Organic Gardening, Home & Garden, and Horticulture. You can get an idea of which ones suit your style... I really like Horticulture. I feel subscriptions are a waste. Some libraries will allow you to donate a subscription... if you want a magazine that they do not provide. We bring home a sizable stack of magazines to enjoy twice a month!

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