seeds wanted

markleysburg, PA(Zone 5a)

Seeking any lily seeds or scales.Thanks

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

marclay, I think I have some bulbils for a pretty dark orange lily. It is not an Asian, probably an aurelian hybrid.(Don't know for sure.) The bublils give you a blooming plant in about 2 years with good cultivation. E-mail me if interested.


There is a Lily Co-op going on and there are lily seeds being offered.

There are 12 varieties offered with 50 seeds in each packet.

If that should be more seeds than you're interested in I'm purchasing some seeds from each varieity offered and have a mini lily seed co-op going. If you're interested let me know how many seeds you want of each of the varieties offered. I'll see if we can accommodate you.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i will have some soon!

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