Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I rescued this plant about a year ago from my work-place dumpster. I am careful not to over-water it, since it doesn't like a lot of water.
A few of the "stalks" have turned brown and withered up. I'm afraid it will die. I have cut off all the dried up stalks.
When it first started looking bad, I removed it from its pot and re-potted with fresh soil.

I have never had this plant before so I don't know what is wrong with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

I don't want to lose my poor little "orphan"........ :(

This message was edited Aug 31, 2004 8:39 AM

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Are you certain that it's getting enough light?

I'm wondering if you may be over-watering it, after all.
Even if the soil in the top portion of the pot feels dry, there's a good chance that the soil in the *bottom* of the pot is still quite moist, and if so....overwatering is the culprit.

'Poke' your finger way down into the pot, if possible, and check whether the soil is dry or moist.

I have a couple of larger Sansevierias positioned quite far into my room where they get very little light, and I only water them once every couple of months, really, and even then just a small amount. (Due mostly to the fact that they get so little light....they don't grow much, therefore don't need much water.)

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Could it be getting too much light? I had the same problem once, and I moved the plant into less light and now it's doing great. Sanseverias don't need much light at all, so moving it might be another thing to try.


Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

It is in my hall but it does get some light.
Just checked and soil doesn't feel wet at all.


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Danak's right...too much light suddenly can cause sunburn, and those sunburnt spots will often rot. Sansevieria's don't need much light to maintain themselves (and maybe even grow a bit) but they prefer good light to really thrive. But.... I guess sunburn is not your plant's problem.

You state that the soil doesn't feel 'wet' but does it feel 'moist'? If so, and it's not getting much light, you need to let it dry out, as it most likely is, technically, being over-watered for it's position.

Mine sit into the room several feet, and receive very little light, ..... I rarely water them.

You can allow the soil to completely dry out (I have, many times and I have about 15 different Sans. plants) and even allow it to remain dry for short periods of time. The less light they receive, the less water they need.

'If I were you'....I'd get the plant into some good light, even if temporarily, so that it'll use up some energy and it's soil will dry out. Then I'd place it back into the hall, and wouldn't water for a while. You'll be amazed at just how little water they need when growing in a low-light position.

If you do think the soil is too moist and it's not practical to place the plant in a brighter spot, you could remove it from it's pot and lay it on some newspapers to help it dry out.

Hope that helps?!

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

The soil doesnt feel wet at all. I willl put it in more light and see if that helps.

Thanks for your and everyone's help!!!

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