Centrosema & the carpenter

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Hi Donna
My troubled plant lies in semi shade. I removed the old leaves about 15 days ago and there are 3 sets of leaves already. But I don't think it will grow into a healthy plant. There are no symptoms of its normal progress. So, I'm looking for newer seeds. Hope you can help. It's one of my favourites. I'm also told that germination rate is about 25%. Since you are in zone 9b, your seeds can do better here. I think my old seed came from a bit colder zone. May be that is the problem.

Augusta, WV(Zone 5b)

PudgyMudpies - I'll have to explore your idea with the blooms. I inspected my plants last evening and there are tons of new blooms coming in. I just hope they produce seeds....The blooms are a good indication, but our season is coming to an end and I'd hate to disturb it by moving it from it's location. Oh well, but I appreciate your words and your enthusiasm, it's nice to know I'm not the only one out there who loves playing with plants ;-)

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