New to Dave's Garden!!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi ya'll!!

new here to daves garden but i see alot of familiar faces...just wanna say hi to all that i Know and love--Jeff (my hero) Norma(my heroine)--and Cena!!

and say i cant wait to make new friends here!!

Norma i did see somewhere where you said something about Budda's temple (crassula) was wondering if you have one and if so how to "take a cutting"

I finally got my digi cam but today when i tried to connect it to the "old puter" it had some problems so im waitin for the some help with the connection to the computer shouldnt be too long-hope not anyway coz i cant wait to share....i grouped all the cuttings Norma sent me earlier this spring and took a picture thats sure to make her proud--Yikes--i'm rambling like i've been a member for years here so, i shuDDUP and wait for someone to say hey

Love ya's better than dirt

Ckrdpast (jeanne)

I have Crassula Bhudda's Temple,and have taken several cuttings from it.Just take a suitable sized cutting,strip off the lower leaves and leave to dry for a few days.Insert in suitable gritty compost,water lightly and leave in peace.Should send out new roots fairly quickly.
Hope this helps,Margaret

Kamloops, BC(Zone 4b)

Dear Jeanne,

You're making me blush something fierce! I would rather be your Aloe Guy than your hero - I haven't done anything worthy of hero status in quite some time, if at all. Welcome to Dave's! It's most enlightening here, and since you're here, it's even more so. Am looking forward to your pics - something tells me your succulents are thriving - so make a sacrifice (not necessary but probably a good idea) to the Computer Gods, and let's see the pics!

Your Pal in San Diego

North Wales, PA(Zone 6a)

Welcome Jeanne--Jeff and Norma are my heroes too!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

margaret-the bhudda's temple cutting --- I hate to strip the leaves on that -- guess i gotta procure some "guts" on that

Sansman -- Thank your for making me feel so welcome here...

Jeff- you are now OFFICIALLY my "aloe guy Hero"or is the "aloe hero guy" How's that for pressure?thanks for the great email- like them long ones got lots to tell ya but been through the wringer the past few days-- its a death penalty struggle...but thats not a topic for THIS gardening site will email you soon



Kamloops, BC(Zone 4b)

Dear Jeanne,

I know a bit about aloes (absolutely my fave succulent, with kalanchoes coming in a close second) but I don't know about this hero stuff....does it mean I have to wear a funny hat and matching lederhosen, because if it does, I could possibly be interested. Sorry about the last few days - hope today is better!

Look forward to seeing your pictures - make sure you show the one of you carefully counting the zillion lava rocks you had trucked in.

(Zone 4b)

don't believe we've ever met, but I share your struggle. It's been on my mind for awhile, too, and has almost seeped out in more than one thread, and in more than one conversation when it should have been kept quiet (I think - still debating the "quiet" issue). Break my ever-lovin' heart.


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Aloe Hero Guy -- The THREE zillion lava rocks are now resting comfortably under some oak trees...they may be comfortable.. but they make me uneasy as i have found out FIRST hand that they have come back in another life as red cement. I think we oughta start a petition that they be OUTLAWED!! My email to you yesterday seemed quite cathartic for me - hope it doesnt ruin your day or your thoughts about this nice lil friend in florida...although we seem to share the bottom line!! as for the funny hat and lederhosen...i was thinking more of a bow tie and speedo-serving me watermelon margaritas poolside....oops thats the POOL GUY not Aloe Hero Guy!! duh!! As for the pics--still havent figured out how to send the Link-so if i dont hear about it from you - i will sit down later and figure it out!

One more thing-mealy bugs-whats your best defense-short of Orthene WP i havent been able to find it...alcohol-works i guess i need to just STAY on top of it huh?

Pisces - i dont think we've ever been properly introduced - but i have seen many of your posts here and another place...u know the one - its close to disney LOL--glad (and sorry) to see others are struggling with "that" issue also... maybe we can share some views about it somewhere else ...

Valley Village, CA

I am so glad we are again all together, thanks Dave, I still owe you one, I have been very happy here and will recommend you to my friends in England. This is important input as they have cold, wet, snow, wet, wind, storms, floods. I have friends there that grow Sans. Crassula, cactus, better than I have ever seen before. I leared a lot from them, so boy! do I listen. All this input from each other jump kicks our lerning curve, where where you all eight years ago? Norma

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