Propagating Geranium Seeds

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

I suspect there is an easy answer for this 'cause probably every knows how to do it. What do I do with geranium seeds?

I have a pink seed geranium outside (the plant card accompanying it included 'Pelargonium x hortorum') that recently started making seeds with soft lil white 'wings'. I've captured many if not most of those seeds, placed them in a snack baggie, and now wonder how/when to try using them, if they require wintering, if the snack baggie is okay for storage... basically everything.

Please point me in the right direction! :)

(Zone 7a)

Well Gerraniums seem to be some of the easiest seeds I germinate. They just require a little bit of time (2-4 Weeks). I have never stratified them. I germinate mine in vermicullite and keep them moist until germination. Geraniums seem to have a very high germination rate for me. So I usually don't start more then 5 at a time. Because all 5 will germinate. I suppose you can also direct sow them and keep the area moist. But I just haven't used that method. Because I don't like thinning...LOL I hope this helped some.

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Thank you, Kim! I was concerned about over-wintering them and/or drying them out since they're fresh... suppose they'll just take right now? Not that I need them, just curious. :)

(Zone 7a)

You'd be amazed at what seeds will do..So even if they dry or get wintered. They will still germinate :-D I've seen seeds germinate after months being in soil. Sometimes I try to conserve and become impatient (which I shouldn't do). I'll use the seed starting soil for seeds that just never germinated. Low and behold months later I see something emerging. It's usually one of the seeds I gave up on. Right now I have 5 plants that I have no idea what they are..But will know soon when they bloom. I do know one thing..They're NOT weeds! LOL

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Interesting! I'll have to see if it works for me.

KimGaither, can you tell me where you buy your vermiculite? It seems that in Wisconsin no one uses it...or if they do they're guarding their souces. Perlite is all I can find.


(Zone 7a)

Julie, I'm going to send you a link where I get mine. She's great! and it's $1.50 for a gallon bag.

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Thanks KimG...I got it and am on my to check it out.

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Kim, would you consider adding that link to this thread as well? Dave seems quite open about allowing folks to share helpful and useful websites here in Forums, and there may be other folks who are searching for vermiculite online and/or for a good price. :)

Also, what is 'seed starting soil'?

(Zone 7a)

Sure! I know it's not allowed on other site...LOL. So I didn't know. But here it is. She ships same or next day. I use vermiculite to germ everything. Works great with honeysuckle, geraniums, Lantana, and Tree seeds. Here's the link:

(Zone 7a)

Ohhh I'm sorry I didn't answer your question about seed starting soil. Any soil that says "seed starter" or good for seedlings. I don't use garden soil to start very wanted plants. I use a off brand they sell at the dollar store around here. It's very fine and has peat moss, added nutrients..etc. The soil is very loose allowing new plants to get strong roots. Hope this helps!

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Kim! It's always better to be safe than sorry, but Dave is way kewl about sharing, as is evident since 13,000 members have joined since I became a subscriber two months ago. :)

This message was edited Aug 1, 2004 8:34 PM

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

Do any of you have Johnson's blue seeds you would be willing to part with?

Thanks for any reply.


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