Help with coffee tree

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

My daughter gave my spousal unit a large coffee cup with a coffee tree plant potted in it. I have removed it from the cup and placed it in a pot. But I know nothing about its cultivation. Does it need fertilizing, with what and how often? How much water and light? Any help would be appreciated.

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

lotsa fertilizer probably of the 10-10-10 variety

lotsa light when indoors

average water - don't over do it, but don't let it dry out, either

In fact, in your zone, might not hurt to put it outside in indirect light for the remaining of the growing season ..


Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi Jennifer! Isn't it amazing how many more DGers we are finding that live close to us?
I potted it in a fancy glazed pot that was given to me for my birthday so I am keeping it inside. It's sitting under a lamp. I used a lot of Black Kow when I potted it so it should do fine until it settles in and then I will probably use some MG.
Do they flower when raised as a house plant?

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

Haven't grown one personally, so I'll have to say "I don't know" about blooming indoors. I do know it'll have to get mighty tall before you'd ever see any coffee beans. I've also read somewhere that the chance of coffee beans from one grown indoors isn't so good.

Make sure that glazed pot has a drainage hole. If it doesn't, drill one. Don't want that water puddlin' up inside the pot... causing root damage.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks! If you're ever up this way, driving around the mountains, let me knw and we'll get together. Maybe go to the NC Arboretum, the gardens at Waynesville around the Haywood Community College or Biltmore...

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

I ended up with a coffee plant and we must have done somehting right. It's nearing five feet tall in two years. We are zone 9, and get to an easy 100 during the summer. The coffee tree is placed under a mulberry tree on the north side of the house. It gets watered every day, very little direct sun and a fair amount of moisture from a nearby waterfall.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I don't have much room for house plants especially tall ones so if it takes off, I can take it to the county's mansion where archives is located. I must admit that I take liberties in that building and on its grounds.....

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