Seen Jo Pye Weed???

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Elelna thanks so much for the advise on the hot pack thing. We have a bed and bath in Little Rock about an hour away and I will check next time I have to take one for braces check up. Marie

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

There are a few little things that I do to keep from aggravating the back and sciatic nerve also. I try to keep my back straight when bending or working and there are lots of little ways to do this. I put on a back brace first and noticed the different methods I used to do things. Then I stopped doing any of the bending that would't let me keep my back straight. When I am in the house, I bend over and keep the knee stiff on one leg and raise the other one into the air like a dancer. That can be with the raised knee straight or bent. I also use a swiviling motion to get up or down off the ground or floor. My arms are the part of the body that does the work and not my hips and back. When I get in the car, I back onto the seat, sit down and then swivil around. I do the reverse when getting out. I use my arms mostly when pushing or pulling myself around. Ehen i get out of bed or into bed, I use the same type of movements. I clasp my hands together and use my elbow to push myself up. I then swivil my body around. I sit on the bed and then raise my leg onto the bed one at the time. If the siatic nerve is acting up, I pull that leg up so the nerve isn't affected.

I don't have a clue what your problem is but these are the self-taught things I have done to make my life easier and to stop the pain before it starts. I generally do this with most things in my life. Find out the problem and then try to come up with good solutions to that problem when possible. If all else fails, I might consider medication but not usually for just pain.

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Elena I understand---Now the doctors are so quick to give you something for the pain instead of helping you with the problem. Then in a very short time you are addicted to a pain medication and can't function with out it. I have a brother that has a severe addiction and part of that problem came from pain medication after back surgery. It is just a circle and hard to get out of. Marie

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

I think you are very wise, Marie. I don't buy into all of that pain medication stuff. Often times it just takes more and more and then you wind up on too many drugs for too many ailments. If I can figure the problem before real damage occurs, I do ok coming up with a solution. There are too many bad sad effects associated with drugs. When a doctor has to adjust someone's medications and that person is on bunches of stuff, it is just a guessing game in my opinion. Too many things can get messed up when they are playing those guessing games. Email me if you have any questions about my "homemade" tips. I guess it all boils down to not doing something if it hurts. Find another way.

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Elena---my biggest mistake is thinking I can do a two or three man job by myself. One day I will learn that I can't but often when I have a task like that I am by myself! Isn't that the way it usually is. My father gave me some brugs which are now in huge tubs growing and to mow I have to move them! Well to say the phrase "mow the lawn" everyone is hard to find! LOL! Marie

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Maybe you should just get someone to put the pots somewhere other than a place you have to move them to mow. Forcing your back and body to do things like that will just get you in trouble in the long run. Try to work on a solution to that if you can. Your back will thank you.

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