Seen Jo Pye Weed???

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

I have come to really love this perennial beauty along with the butterflies and bumble bees! Marie

Thumbnail by thehumblebumble
Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I love mine...

It gets 8 or 9 feet tall and is the backbone in one of my perennials beds.

Thumbnail by poppysue
Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

poppy mine gets 8 foot also and so many people don't like it!!! I just love the clump former good for shade or sun but the sun does better!!!!! I just love your pink bed!!! Beautiful! Marie

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

This one is on my wish list.

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Lenjo do you have any named daylilys?????? (watch for that boulder) LOL

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

are these the wild ones or the cultivated ones?

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

I want the cultivated ones---- I have 2 or 3 tons of the wild ones gowing on one side of the house they are beautiful in mass but I collect the cultivated ones......

Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

I have the chocolate variety. Found it at Wal-mart for 2.50 apiece. It's pretty leggy from being packed in with its siblings. Hopefully next year it will bush out and make me some flowers.

Thumbnail by Osteole
Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Osteole--- the chocolate variety doesn't get as tall as the purple but the foliage is excellent for contrasting color--- you can cut your chocolate back to about half and you will get a flush of new foliage to fill in your clump! I will try to find a picture of my chocolate in bloom and post here....

Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

Oh great! I'm guessing this will be one of the plants I try to propagate 'cause its a beauty for the contrasting color, as humble noted.

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

it roots very very easy from stem cuttings so if you trim the foliage back by half just use the discarded stems for cuttings and pot them up and put them in the shade and keep moist and you will have a bunch of them to plant come fall

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

My goats love it too !

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

humblebumble... I guess I've never seen a cultivated one in real life. We have the wild ones all over, like weeds.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I have a field near my house full of Joe Pye Weed and Trilisia (ironweed). It gets nearly as tall as Joe Pye and has dark purple blooms. I will try to get a pic......

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Hehehehe My Goats LOVED my pine trees, my Shagbark, and anything (except TIN CANS!) that they could reach! :-D

WoW! 8 feet tall!! I *gotta* get me some! (My flower beds are FLAT!)


Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Julie this is my purple ironweed just beginning to bloom~~~~

Thumbnail by thehumblebumble
Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Marie...I'm heading out into the fields around our place tomorrow. I'll betcha I come back with some cuttings! Let's see now...I'm looking for...and ummm maybe a little... I'll probably come back with stuff I'll have to put on the Indentification Forum. LOL

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

just let me know what you find Julie!!!!!! *****dancing in my seat*****

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Here is my mature Chocolate Joe-Pye. It only gets to be about 4 to 5 ft. tall and very bushy. It blooms white in late summer.
The pink bloom of Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate just had to get in the pic. too.

Thumbnail by Debby
Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Marie, I'll be sure to take pictures of what I find and post them here. Maybe *you'll* know what they are...and if they're poison, PLEASE don't tell me! :-D :-D

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Julie---found another of the ironweed--- Marie

Thumbnail by thehumblebumble
Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Very Interesting thread.

I have masses of the wild Jo-Pye Weed. I love it ....... both pretty and aromatic. To me it has the aroma of vanilla or lilacs.

I had no idea it would root.......... Any special place or time you have to take the cuttings? I never noticed it rooting when I put some in a vase.

I also didn't know that there were cultivated varieties. The Chocolate Jo-Pye looks wonderful.

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Tree----you can root Jo Pye at any time of the summer but should it have blooms on the stem you are trying to root make sure you cut the bloom off first. The easiest way that I have found to root the regular jo pye is in a vase like you have. It will root rather quickly. I haven't tried the chocolate variety like that tho.... I just love my stand of it. Marie

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Hey Marie...I just got up, and guess what? DH says it's a "rain day". That's the same as a "snow day" for kids in school...for HIM anyway. It means that he doesn't have to go outside and do any work (Siding his shop is work...building his RC Model airplane is RAIN DAY stuff! :-D) but for me it means I don't get to go to the woods.
:-( bummer!

You said that the Jo Pye *should* have flowers on the stem you're trying to root? I sure hope I can find some. I love what I'm seeing here. And a few of those plants would sure solve a couple of problems for my garden layout.

C ya later

This message was edited Jul 29, 2004 8:13 AM

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Marie, could you start me a cutting or two of both the regular and Chocolate Joe Pye? Do you have extra ironweed? I would love that also.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

I think Marie is saying that if the cutting you have has a bloom, then cut the bloom off before trying to root it. So you don't need to have a bloom on the cutting.

I think I'll try to root a bunch and move some to another area. The one's I have are growing in a bog area ..... will they grow successfully in drier area?

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Thanks Tree...glad you asked about growing them in a drier area too. I was thinking about that since my yard is nearly ALL sand.

Well...It's stopped raining, still overcast, but I'm heading out in spite of the weather! ;-)

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

sorry about that yes cut the bloom off because the plant still tries to "care" for the bloom instead of developing roots---should have clairfied that better but shoe tree I don't think I could have said it that well--LOL!

Yes It does just fine in a drier spot the one in the picture gets a drink maybe once every two weeks----

Elena--- I will start you some cuttings of the ironweed and the jo-pye--- I don't have the chocolate variety so i can't get you any of that---IF you see anything else that you would like just let me know I would be happy to get you some to bring---

Julie I can understand the "rainy" days--- been there done that---- I just love trampling thru the woods--wished you lived closer hahah!!! No one likes to walk the woods with me! Do enjoy I am envious of you! Marie

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Marie, I would love to walk the woods with you. I'd like that more than almost anything I know. When I was growing up, we had a big woods adjoining our property. I wandered there with my collie dog more hours than you could ever imagine. I have never outgrown it.

Thank you in advance for starting me one of both of those plants. I guess it just boils down to what you have extra plantwise in the fall cause I think you must have a huge collection of different varieties of plants. I will gladly "drag home" anything that you have extra in the fall. LOL

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Elena----be careful what you say!!!! hahahaha I will load you up! Have loads of native plants---perennial for sun and shade and herbs and named daylilys and grasses..... are you sure????? LOL

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

I AM POSITIVE!!!!!! NO DOUBT about it......LOL! A person can never have too many varieties of plants!!!! I am trying to add to my perennials, grasses, daylilies and herbs. Sounds like a winner to me!!!!! I will bring the truck (with the topper) to Arkansas rather than the car. That has just been decided!!!!!!!

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Bring the truck for sure!!! I will begin potting you some of everything--- you may want to bring a U haul!!! LOL!!!

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Nah! I will have plenty of room. We have a shelf that fits over the wheel section and we can put things below and on top also. I can always put them in the back seat too. It lets down. I think I can do it. In fact, I know I can! I can always throw away the lawn chairs and the suitcases. LOL

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

I understand Elena---A woman determined to get a plant home will get it home if someone has to stay behind!!!!! hahaha! (thought about that a couple of times!)

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Since hubby is the driver, I guess I will have to bring him back home with me. Good thing that we won't have any other riders along because they would probably get left behind. I have been known to carry an unbelievable amount of plants with me. I am thinking of the first roundup I ever attended. I had them in boxes stacked on top of each other. I was too tired to enjoy that roundup because I stayed up till almost dawn potting plants before leaving home early the next morning. I won't make that mistake again. I hate dividing plants when they get too thick and then I have too many. I am more than thrilled to take them to people who want them. It makes me feel good to find them new homes rather than putting them on the compost pile.

Heber Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Oh Elena I know what you mean! I do my potting of plants in spells because it always kills my lower back! I have been trying to get a potting bench but as I said in the other post that is right below the digital camera- hahaha--- I have been known to put a sign out by the road listing free perennials until I got this male who stopped by one time-- i was supiscious to start off with him--- then he just kept asking all of these strange questions about was my hubby home and when does he get home and if there was anyone in the house and I told him yes My Husband ---who by the way is an excellent hunter!!!!! (HINT!) is standing in the kitchen looking out the window at us!!!! Well he didn't want any plants and my husband was at work at the time! Whew it scared me to death!!!! I will not do that again--- they will go to the compost pile!

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Haven't had time to read all the messages in between this and my last post. BUT! hehehehe I got to go to the woods, wish you two could BOTH have been there with me...took my granddaughter instead. We went and took pictures and uh...well, I don't think the "king" will miss the few stems I took. Just HOPE they were what I wanted! hehehehe

Be back after I go pick up my meds at Wally world.

C ya in a bit...and maybe I can post a couple of pics to show you what I "picked" up. :-D


Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Julie, I hope you thought of us as you and your little one wandered the woods "rescuing plants". LOL At least we were there if only in someone else's thoughts.

Marie, that is hair raising scary!!!! I feel that is dangerous and I have had similar thoughts and discarded them. There is enough danger in this world without stepping up to the plate and inviting trouble however well intentioned the idea might be. The Lord was looking out for you on that one, my friend.

Go to Bed Bath and Beyond or some similar store that carries those wonderful bags that you put in the microwave and heat. I heat mine 90 seconds and tie it around my lower back. I just keep putting it back until my back feels fine again. I used to never feel fine until I started doing that and found tht it makes all the difference in my case. I am able once again to do such chores without being in misery for days afterward. The bag only cost me $10 and it has made a million dollar difference in my back and sciatic nerve pain. It might just work for you too. Who knows?

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Boy, just when I think I've time for myself, someone sneaks in and shanghai's some of it for themselves! :-D Sorry, guys, I haven't forgotten to post my pics (and I *did* get some!) just haven't had time to resize and upload yet. Didn't want ya's to worry. :-D

C ya tomorrow...I hope!

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Anxiously waiting for pictures!

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