Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana info needed please!

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi, all. Do these guys grow pups on them. ANd do said pups have roots growing out of their base while still attached to the leaf. I was examining it earlier and it looked like they were roots and not new leafs or something like that forming because they are white and well they look like roots. I do feel stupid asking this, because I feel it's something I should know, But after searching the net fruitlessly I haven't discovered anything that says it does this. It may be new leaf growth, but it doesn't look it.
So any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated, as I haven't a clue as to what the lil sucker is doing.
Thanks a bunch,

Valley Village, CA

You are correct. If in doubt, just lay a leaf on top of the soil, you have nothing to lose. Try it.
Asking is smart, I think I'm smart, I ask a lot of questions. I'm 70 years young at this time, and I plan to ask and learn a lot more in my next 25 years. If any one can give me instructions on my scanner, I'll send pictures. Crasulady

Yes, Holly, these will form adventagious roots. Then you can just pluck/prune the piece that already has roots, and viola! Instant Plant!

I have just gotten back into this plant. So many seem to go through those cycles of 'IN' or not. I tend to avoid "IN" strenuously, and then try again when everybody else isn't! Read just last night that rather than trying to upkeep a 'spent' plant, these are mostly handled by starts from established plants past blooming prime. From my own Southern California outdoor experience I can attest that they soon look rattier than a homeless Santa in March, and that propogation keeps them looking their best for all seasons.

This reminds me, I must go hack out the blooming stalk on mine tomorrow. (Sorry to be so ruthless, but it's the only way I get any room in my garden!)

Good Luck, Holly! Post pics if ya' have 'em


Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

Yippe, Thank you for answering me, I didn't think I was insane...lol This one seems to be a rather happy plant and has a good amount of new growth and has even thrown itself into bloom once more. I got it around easter, I thought once the blooms died off that would be the end of it until next season. But nope he has graced me with many a bloom, and I see more trying to start up.
So how do I go about cutting it away. SHould I just cut the leaf that the "pup" is growing on? Because instead of it being attached to the main stem, it is just hanging out at the inner edge of a leaf. Oh and if I was to leave it there, which I am not, would that be fine too? I wouldn't be doing harm or anything to it would I?
You gals are such a great help and I truly appreciate your time.

Kamloops, BC(Zone 4b)

Dear Holly,

This particular Kalanchoe pretty much will thrive on benign neglect, as do many/most kalanchoes. Cut the blooms away when they have dried, or to induce the plant to grow vegetatively, cut the flower stalk before it blooms. You wouldn't be doing any harm to it - kalanchoes are not like many Euphorbias/Adenias/(insert difficult-to-grow succulent name here), as they will, with a minimum of care, grow well. Cut as you see fit - I think more plants (of the succulent nature) are killed from too much care/worry/concern. Consider where they come from - not the most conducive area for plants, but they thrive. So worry about them but a little, and enjoy the plant a lot.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Dear CMcH,

So you made it here eh, just one more place in which we can keep running in to each other! Enjoyed last night's chat ... talk soon.


Valley Village, CA

When I'm working, I cut them at ramdom, cut off the heads, take off the offsets, leave the bases to grow on. These bases I put in a flat of new soil, this will jump start them. You may want to start them just from a leaf, especially if you need a great number of the same plant.
They really don't need great soil, but will get woodie, so fresh soil is alway welcome. Most come from Madgasscar, many from Africa. They love the hot weather, most will not survive below the 30tys. I usually put 5 offsets or tips into a small 4"hight x 3.5 in three months they look great, well rooted, and almost need the heads cut off again. Crasulady

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi all,

Is this the Kalanchoe commonly available at Florists? I've always ignored this one (sort of too showy for my taste), but some were given as gifts in my office. One had a leaf which was broken in half, which was sprouting roots at the broken edge; so naturally I had to take the leaf home & just put it atop some C&S mix to see what happens. Am curious to see what develops. Any thoughts, TIA.

Kamloops, BC(Zone 4b)

Dear PG,

Yes, it's that ubiquitous kalanchoe, seen from coast to coast, at florists and Home Dodos nationwide. You will eventually have a growing plant; it just takes a little bit longer from a leaf. I think the original plant had red flowers, but the plant scientists have mutated it so the flowers' color is almost full spectrum (I hear they're working on a taupe-colored flower).

Valley Village, CA

Hi Holly, the new name for this plant (Kalanchoe) that has babies in the notches of the leaves will be called Bryophyllum, they are spliting the genus soon. There will be many species that will be grouped and it really won't matter, the plants will remain the same. The above information from the group is excellent. Norma

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