Schefflera sculpting

Today was VERY interesting.....
For starters, I found a HUGE Bonsai nursery near my home, with hundreds of INCREDIBLE Bonsai! Met the owner, a Japanese gent, who was every bit as helpful and polite as his employees. We got to talking, and I told him about my Schefflera, which is an ugly shapeless thing, that I hide in the bedroom. By the time I left, I couldn't wait to get home, so I could attempt some Bonsai-like sculpting of the ugly thing.
Well, I just got done, and with some careful selection of which branches to eliminate, I've turned my once ugly Scefflera, into a beautiful living sculpture! I LOVE it!!!
I also believe I'm going to go back to New England Bonsai, and pick up a Variegated Dwarf Schefflera that I saw while I was there, which has some definite possibilities!
I guess some plants just need a little help, to make their beauty come out?

Highland, CA(Zone 9a)

if only i nad a nursery nearby.
that sounds so neat.did you do wireing and potting?the whole nine yards?

I really didn't have to wire it. The unfortunate thing is that whoever originally grew it, cut back the main trunks, to make it branch out, and in doing so, really ruined the "old growth" look of the plant. It has a nice airy look now, which I really like, despite that fact.
As for repotting, I don't think I can. Not Bonsai style, anyway. This thing is SO rootbound, it has roots running round and round the circumference of the pot, above ground!
I don't know what to do about for the time being, I'll leave it alone, since it's had enough shock, with the cutting.

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)


Just found this thread (I'm fairly new to DG.) How did your "bonsai schefflera" turn out? Did you ever re-pot it? I just separated a neglected scheff that was just given to me. I thought I would end up with two or three plants, but now have six; nearly enough for every room in the house!

This message was edited Jun 9, 2005 11:29 AM

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Talon5 is not a DG subscriber and won't see your post. You might want to e-mail him/her via DG and ask directly.

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

Thank you, Gardenwife.

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