Picotee African Violets

Chantilly, VA(Zone 6b)

My wife bought two beautiful African Violets at Wal-Mart. They bloomed for many weeks. When the bloom period finally eneded, I suggested she add a pinch of epsom salts to the water, and pretty soon 1 set new buds - but these were not the same, just a white throat and mostly purple petals. Does any one know what/how/why this happened?

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Can you post a pic of the plant and both blooms?

Could be several things...might be that the plant's character is to bloom a little different on each bloom, I have a few that bloom a little differently marked on each bloom.
I have seen them pot two different African Violets in the same pot very close together...similar leaves but different flowers or could be the change in climate,the fertilizer, or even a sport. These are just some of the reasons it could be.
Hope that helps a little...:)

Chantilly, VA(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the insight - BUT I checked right away to see if there were two plants -not. The blooms were friily & white with a very fine, definite edge of purple. The rebloom is all (6-8 umbels all the same) white throat but mostly purple, much smmother, but same color mix, vastly different effect, but still attractive. Is this an effect of the epsom salts?

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Hiya GreenKnees,
Nope, I don't think the coloring of the bloom is a result of the epson salt...the great blooms are, but it won't change the coloring.
It is sounds like a "fantasy bloomer" but there are just some AV's that bloom different colors on every bloom...it's in their genetic make up.A lot of things can effect the blooms coloring too.Like heat , humidity and lighting like natural sunlight or grow lights.
Fantasy bloomers are usually spotted or streaked with darker shading or even with a different color .

Here's a good link for some info on them look around this site for more explanations about leaf types and bloom types.
You can also go to the AVSA website and look at tons of pictures, too. Here's that link... http://avsa.org/Photographs.asp

Hope this helps some...

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