Yellow leaves

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I've been noticing a few yellow leaves on my plants. I've read that both over and under watering can cause this, so how can I tell what I'm doing wrong?

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Here's a couple of things you can do:

* check and see if they are sitting in water in the bottom of the pot, if they are empty it out and let it dry out a bit before you water again.

*check the roots...if they are all mushy looking-you are over watering...if they are dry but the top of the soil is wet-you are not watering it correctly.

*You might need to repot them into better soil and maybe put them in one size larger pot.


Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I always let them drain out in the sink before putting them back in the saucers. I did recently repot the ones I'm talking about, and the roots seemed fine. Maybe they just need time to adjust to their new pots. Is that possoble?

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

What kind of plants are we talking about here? There are some plants... Elephant ears(kept indoors), certain philo's, and fittonia's that appreciate being watered from the root up. I went to big lots and picked up about 10 small plates in chipped and dinged section for about 50 cents a piece. I just put water on the plate and set the plant on it. Try it. It also works for humidity in the winter months when it can be a little dry in my house. Mere

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

There are two with yellow leaves. One is a peace lily, and the other is a swedish ivy. My ivy tree was having this problem until I moved it outside. The swedish ivy is already outside in a hanging pot, and the peace lily is a low light plant, so I'm not sure if I should move it. It's only a few leaves, but It bothers me. I've been just picking off the yellow ones.

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

The peace Lily, after it blooms, will die back a little. So a couple yellow leaves on that is probably OK. I have English Ivy and Swedish Ivy also, I check regularly for mealies, they look like a moth cacoons (white)only they are TINY!!! You can hardly see them. Ivy is prone to mealies so check for that. Especially if you have them indoors. If you find them, some people will tell you to use a vinegar and water solution to get rid of them. But I just take them outside and completely hose them down. I try to hit almost every leaf. Eventually after a couple of days I get pretty much all of them off. You could always repot if you find them too. One ivy I did repot, one I didn't. They are both fine. Hope that helps a little. When plants that are brought indoors that are supposed to be outdoors, you have to remember that all of the bugs and diseases that they are prone to are not going to be cured, unless by you. I know I kill most every bug I see inside. But outside, that bug could be what likes to eat what's eating and killing your plants. Mere

edited to say- most people overwater peace lilies. Try mixing some sphagnum peat moss into it's soil. It will cut down on watering and help the plant regulate how much water it wants you to give it.

This message was edited Jul 9, 2004 3:45 PM

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you so much for your help. My peace lily only gets a couple of yellow leaves here and there, so thats prabably all it is. I will check my swedish ivy. Thanks again.

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

No problem!! I love being able to help someone out, everyone here answers all of my questions, but I never know the answers to anyone else's. It feels good to learn and pass it on! Mere

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

I never get yellow leaves on mine, just brown edged leaves sometimes when using straight from the tap water a lot. How often do you water your peace lily? I let mine dry out well between waterings - sometimes close two weeks. Especially in the low light spot that you have it, you might want to give it a little more time between waterings and I bet the yellowing leaves will stop.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I'll try that. I water it pretty often because it's so small. Usually when I see that the soil color is lightening, and it feels dry on the surface, I water it. I moved it to the other video cabnet, because it was right in front of the air conditioner. I wasn't sure if it liked that much air.

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

Good call on the air conditioner... It probably doesn't like that too much! Get it in a little more light and water it less. Sweezel's right about the tap water too, some plant's are picky. My passi's only like the water from our Brita. Go figure! Mere

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I got some filtered water from my fridge, and am letting it get to room temp before I water. Thanks for the tip. I may put it outside for a period of time. There are only so many places in my house where the cats can't get to it.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the filtered water tip. I think it may be better. My fridge has an ice and filtered water tap. I've been getting a container of that water, and letting it get to room temp.

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