Help with alocasia

Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

My oldest alocasia is a Polly and doing just fine. Last december I got a Black Velvet and an Imperial. The last leaf of the Imperial just died back, but the bulb appears firm. The Black Velvet is down to one healthy looking leaf.
Is the Imperial dead?
or do they occasionally just die back and need to rest?
If so, do I withhold water and for how long? Any information on the care and feeding of these as house plants would be appreciated.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Maybe Alocasia Addict will be along later to give you a hand.
He saved my lil Tigrina from certain

If he doesn't see this you might send him an email...he might respond.???

Interlachen, FL

My first impluse is to ask for a photo. But I've dealt with this problem before. I've discontinued selling Black Velvet and Imperalis for this reason. Let me ask you this: Did the leaf turn yellow before it dropped? If so you were giving it too much water. If the surface of the soil is dry and you scratch a little to see some moisture, that would be perfect. Those 2 like really dry soil, almost like a cactus! I'm serious. Don't feel bad about the Black Velvet, mine is currently dormant because It got one too many drops of water 2 months ago! I'm ready to give up on it. Give the imperalis tons of indirect light, it likes that alot. ( More light less water.) Hope this helps!

Thumbnail by Alocasiaaddict
Interlachen, FL

Imperialis, a type of Nebula

This message was edited Jul 1, 2004 10:47 AM

Thumbnail by Alocasiaaddict
Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

I was afraid of that. I do have tendency to give too much water. If the leaves are all gone, is it dead? Toss it or baby it along?


Interlachen, FL

Its not dead! Let it dry out for 2 weeks in the shade, then slowly start giving it a tiny bit of water each day. In about a month, you should see a sprout.

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