Windowsill problems?

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

This may seem like a ridiculous question, But has anyone had any problems with plants sitting on windowsills?
My first plant came from my boyfriend as a cutting. I put the plant on the windowsill....apart from doing other things wrong (packing the plant too tight, overwatering) I was wondering if the windowsill could have contributed to its death. I don't want to make the same mistake with my new plants.

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

I guess you put it in too strong a light- or drafts got to them.
But I have never had a problem with plants in my windowsil.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

What kind of plants are they? Do you have air conditioning? With me, it's just been trial and error. But you have to watch them closely to see how they respond and move them before it's too late.

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

The one I killed was a pothos. But I think many other things contributed to its death.

The ones I have on my windowsill right now are purple passion, wandering jew (variegated purple & variegated green/white), and a cryptanthus.

I have air-conditioning.

Tillamook, OR(Zone 8b)

I have air conditioning too but I've never had a problem with pothos, maybe it's one that needs it on the dryer side, I continually forget to water them so they are dry for a week or two before they get any water!! Would you like some more to try with? I have three that I really need to cut back on or send to someone else before we move, I think the smallest has 6' vines and the largest has somewhere around 30'+, I've lost count how many times I've looped it now, let me know if you would like some and how many feet of vine you would like!

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Vines by the foot!!! LOL My mother had vines like that in the house that she trained over a wide arch. She had to loop them back and forth they got so long. We always teased her about sneaking in Kudzu.

Tillamook, OR(Zone 8b)

Hee hee, this thing is HUGE!!! I'm not kidding about sending vines by the foot! I have a hyper compulsion that I can't throw away any trimmings, therefore I do not trim, I can't bear the thought of throwing away so many "could-be" plants when when so many people spend money in the store to buy them!!! I saw a lady the other day about to spend $8 on a pothos that had vines barely 2' long, and I told her I would give her tons of it if she wanted!!

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

Raven, that's how I am!!!! I keep buying those hooks that you screw into the ceiling, and hanging the philo. vines that grow sooooo long, on them. It's beggining to look like a jungle in here. But.... I refuse to trim them! I can't bear the thought of lopping off an arm(or a leg for that matter) when I don't need to. Meredith

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