Easter Lilly Question

Iola, WI

We got an Easter Lilly as a gift from one of our clients. It's gorgeous! I just read about taking off the anthers to prolong the bloom, OK.
My question is...does this plant do well as a houseplant? Is it like a poinsettia, that takes too much care to bother trying to get it to bloom again?
I'm the only one at work that would be interested in taking it home.
Thanks in advance,

Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

You can plant it outside and it will bloom again next year but probably late spring or early summer.

Iola, WI

Thanks for your response Vashur...I was beginning to feel like "persona non grata". I'm sure I'm just being paranoid (maybe not?)

I guess in zone 4 I'll just keep watering it & hope for the best!

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

shuttlebunny don't be sad. I looked but because I am in zone 10, I had no clue. If it cannot live outside for me, it stays in the store. Someone with an answer comes along sooner or later.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I am going to make a "tar & feather" type statement...taking a risk of bodily injury.....lol

Us down in zone 10b have our gardens in and we have a little more time to surf the forums, whereas the people who might know the answers are outside grabbing precious moments of warmth and sun trying to get their gardens in.

As frogrus said, we down here in the south, are in the dark about gardening in the zones of low numbers.

My answer would be send it down here, it can grow all year...LOL



(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

I think there are a couple of varieties sold at Easter. Some are hardy and some aren't. Go ahead and plant it, what have you got to lose. If it is hardy you'll have lovely flowers next June and if not, well then you have experience with that one bulb. I'm not sure how you find out if they are hardy or not. Go For It.

Iola, WI

Thanks for the encouragement! You're right...What do I have to lose!

Columbus (Berwick), OH(Zone 5b)

I am not sure what you zone is, but my grandmother lives in zone 5. She gets a couple of easter lilys every year from church. She has been planting then in the yard next to the house for close to 2 decades. She has about 50 or so now. They come back every year. They bloom after easter however, either because of her climate or because her yard is mostly shade and takes longer to warm.

Iola, WI

Thanks CW. I'm a solid zone 4. If I plant it in the right place & mulch for the winter it might acctually grow!

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

My grandma is in z4, and has them come back every year. She used to mulch, but now, she doesnt have the time or energy, but they keep coming back. Wishing you lotsa luck!

Iola, WI

Thanks Shelly!

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Thanks for this thread. I have a lily that I bought for my Mom just before Easter and it's browning up and looking like it's either dying or going dormant. I'm going to plant it outside tomorrow, in the warmest spot in my yard. I hope I can save it.

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