gesneriads from seed

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

I joined the American Gloxinia and Gesneriad Society last year, and they sent me their famous mixed seed pack. (It's just a tiny pack of mixed seeds, but lots of people get a kick out of growing them.) Even after killing a few while I was travelling, I have some 70 seedlings going - it's fun looking at the variety I've got.

This is the first to flower (sorry it's a bad picture). It's about 4-5 months from seed. (By the way, I hope to put a seed pod from this plant up for trade in the other forum - if and when it ripens.)

Thumbnail by Keyring
Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, wow, Keyring! After just 5 months?? Pretty blooms....I thought about joining the AGGS; I grow streps, AV's and have one chirita.

Is it hard to grow the seeds? Worth joining the club? Good info? I loved, and am SO glad about, joining the AVSA.


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