Who knows you're a gardener?

There are a total of 267 votes:

Everybody who knows me knows I'm into gardening
(187 votes, 70%)
Red dot

Close friends, family and the mailman are the only ones who know I garden
(40 votes, 14%)
Red dot

Most people I know probably don't think of me as a gardener
(35 votes, 13%)
Red dot

(5 votes, 1%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Gardening is my therapy after a long day at work.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Well..when you have the strollers by, stopping and sniffing in the fragrances and they talk to you.....it's the ones that you can sometimes find right in your garden, you are concerned about........I know, you're goin' to tell me the old adage, "Gardening is sharing"......ok, so be it!!!! The mailman and me, we are constantly yakking about flowers!!! E.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

I think the plant or two in the car cup holders on the way to a new home may be a dead giveaway. Maybe it is the fact that the nursery has a parking spot with my name on it lol.

waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Even people who don't know me know I am a gardener. Why?
Who else has dirt stained knees, no fingernails, green stains on their clothing, a spade in the trunk, and empty pots in the back seat???

Tallahassee, FL(Zone 8b)

I often wonder, not care you understand, what our strollers by say about our yard. I think we're the only ones in our rather large subdivision that have a front yard au natural. Well, as opposed to grass, and the requisite "plant material" used everywhere for landscaping.

We bought the lot behind us to preserve the wooded area, and also have "green spaces," so we are pretty secluded in our own private garden.

We know our neighbors, in a friendly sense, and chat about gardening when we're outside, but few have actually ventured down the driveway where most of the "good stuff" is. A few brave kids venture down to knock on the front door and try to sell school items. I'm sure their parents are close by!

When giving directions, I just tell people to pass two houses, and turn in at the mailbox leading to the wilderness below.

I wonder if they think we're growing marijuana or something that we're trying to hide? LOL

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Our front yard just screams "we are gardeners" - we get lots of people stopping by to ask questions and tell us how much they like our yard/house - we are getting ready for two upcoming garden tours - so every space is just bursting with blooms right now. Hoping the peony poppies and clematis will bloom in time. We meet the nicest people because of the garden.

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Have gone for the first one.
Probably from the soiled attire that is presented before them they realize that here is one gardener who cares little for other things!! Leave alone all the plants.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I think the giveaways are

- the permanently dirt/grass- stained knees - both mine, and the same spot on all my jeans...

- the GH conspicuously located at the end of the driveway...

- the dirt in the crevices of my hands (I scrub, I bleach, I slather lotion nightly, - no use...)

- the immediate gravitation toward anything green, whether I'm visiting a friend's home, strolling through a park, or trekking through a parking lot....

- the check register filled with checks to "ABC Nursery", XYZ Garden Center", "So-and-so Seeds", etc...

- the mailman and UPS driver who feel free to peek into my GH even if I'm not in there - just to see what's growing...

Whatever it is, friends, neighbors and family expect me to know what a plant is, what ailment it is suffering from, how to fix it, etc. I guess the rest of the world either assumes I'm a gardener or just a really messy person (*grin*)

Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 5b)

I have to agree with Terry about being a dedicated gardener!

Also a dead giveaway are the remnants of soil, mulch, etc. in the trunk of the van, despite repeated efforts to vacuum up every particle that strays from a pot or a bag.

The current issues of most gardening catalogs that are worth anything. (Makes for good reference material and bathroom reading until the next catalogs come out).

The ever-present spading fork and spade in the trunk for plant rescues at abandoned farms, construction sites, etc.

My tupperware container which I fill with banana peels, coffee grounds from the coffee pot at work, etc. that I gather whenever I am working to add to the compost pile at home.

My collection of starter pots in the garage. It keeps growing.

Greenhouse owners call me by first name, and some of them have started to save items for me when I come in! Sometimes they will say, "These (name the plant) are unusual, and I thought you might be interested so I held a few back for you."

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

People who know me have no doubt that I'm a gardner...and people who don't I don't know, have heard of me.

I'm the one who gets the call about the strange bug in the garden...'is it good or bad'...(at least they're starting to ask, instead of soak with pesticide)

"Why is this turning yellow?'" "Why don't my peonies bloom?"
"Will jasmine grow this far North?" "When can I plant watermelons?" These are just some of the questions I've had in the last 2 weeks!

Last year, I had 5 different people hunt me down for various reasons who were perfect strangers...but were told I could help.

I'm also the one who gets called on a Saturday evening for a 6th grade Science Fair project due on Monday. And, I'm the one whispered about as I harvest dogwood seeds in front of the bank. They see me lurking on old abandoned homeplaces with my shovel and camera.

My manicure consists of a good nail brush,bleach and clippers.

Yup, everyone knows I'm a gardener...most think I'm a little strange,but don't hesitate to call if they have questions.

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

I don't know if anyone else thinks of me as a gardener. I like to think of myself as a gardener, but, as I'm still a relative newbie, I don't really expect others would think of me as one.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Mel, I think we're living in parallel universes. It's just that my questions come in the form of emails to our helpdesks here. I think Dave, Trish and I have handled something like 7,500 messages at the DG helpdesk (since we started the queue in Jan. 2002.)

The PDB helpdesk (where Baa and PoppySue help a BUNCH) has fielded over 6,000 questions since we launched it in October 2002.

Now a good portion of these questions are technical issues: password requests, how-to-sign-up, etc. But a fairly good chunk of them are "how-to-grow" "how-to-save/revive" (or "how-to-kill", lolol) or "where-to-buy" or "what-is-it" kinda stuff...

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

living in a small town, it is a well known fact that not only am I a gardener, but I give away plants and advice mostly free of charge. Sometimes a trade is involved, and I am thinking just a bit of having my grandkids help me do a plant stand to earn a little spending money (more plants!!!).

We have had, on several occasions, perfect strangers drive around our circles-the-yard driveway to look at the roses in early June - one carload went around twice, and waved, but never stopped! The Amish ladies always stop and look on their way by, too.

The guy that owns the nursery that's on my way to the grocery store has started giving me plants that need a good home. I think that's the dead give a way. Oh, and people at the nursery sometimes mistake me for the help. Not that I'm really there THAT often . . .

Grady, AL(Zone 8a)

Especially everyone that who knows me. Coworkers bring sick plants to me to care for, ask if I have any new plant catalogs, bring me cuttings from their gardens without me asking, always finding decoratives for my garden on my desk. I'm known to the vendors at the farmers market where they tell me whats new to try in my garden, at my expense of course =)

I clicked on 3, most people probably don't think I'm a gardener or at least in any sense a serious gardener.

Saying you like to garden here is like saying you like to drink tea, it's almost a given thing to at least keep the garden reasonable (of course not everyone here gardens nor do they all drink tea but it's popular enough to be in the nations top 5 past times).

Actually, I'm not really a gardener, I only half heartedly garden because of the plants, yes there is a difference! I am by far more interested in the plants themselves and therefore am a plantsperson. Now if anyone wants to come and dig the garden .............

Semora, NC(Zone 7b)

Noone knows I'm a gardener! Except the mailman and UPS guy. The family is far away, friends never knew it about me. I'm waiting for a Quince tree to arrive, and noone but the UPS guy will know. I'm new in my area, so word hasn't gone out yet, and we're so isolated here, noone may ever know. The landlords may suspect, since I've planted two pear trees, and gave them homemade fig jam last year, and flowered up the front of the house a whole lot.

North Port, FL(Zone 9a)

Everyone who knows me knows GARDENING is my PASSION....

this is my therapy when i am having a bad day.....i just go out and either pull weeds(don't have many of those yet), or i just sit in my swing in the back yard and look around and say "that plant would look nice there" daydream alot and that is also my favorite place to read with my plants....

I also write poetry, and i get my largest inspiration from my gardens.....

I'm hoping to have the gardens like i had back in ny...its going take a long time, but such a wonderful feeling when i plant something new and it grows and blooms...

My quote:

"If GOD brings us one new GARDEN FRIEND a day, then we are truly blessed"

luv cindy

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

My favorite "weird gardener" act was when I had a small 2 seater car with (thank heavens) a moon roof. When I bought a 4' hibiscus, the only way I could get it home was to open the moon roof and feed the plant through it. So I drove home from the nursery with a hibiscus traveling in the passenger seat, with it's arms (branches) waving at other motorists as we drove by.

Thumbnail by mickyb
Tallahassee, FL(Zone 8b)

Now that's real gardener luv!!!!!!

Been there, done that!!

What was the speed limit? It's really hard on plants at 55-65 mph?

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

Many years ago I had a Honda Prelude the first year they were introduced. That car saw more than one plant peeking out of the moon roof!

I can relate to all these people asking about plants as we had a nursery, as it's hard work it can be very rewarding when you have helped someone with there plants W.A.Australia

waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Here's a peek at our front yard. Only a few neighbors have commented on it, and we built here three years ago. I think maybe they are a teeny bit green eyed, since the majority of homes here have only the requisite green lawn and a few evergreens..fortunately my hubby likes to putter and dig and responds well to pointing and suggesting....Some of the plantings need to be relocated as they have grown too large for the site, so we'll play "musical plants" as soon as we get some decent weather...

Thumbnail by meezersfive
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Verrry nice meezer ;~D

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

My family and friends and neighbors all "think" I am a gardener. But I think I am just a big kid that likes playing in the dirt.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 11)

I´ve been known for my gardening tendencies. And I make sure everyone knows it, so they will give me plants and gardening tools on my birthday or something :^)

(instead of socks or pens)

Valley Village, CA

Im always on my hands and knees playing in the dirt.
My maiden name is Gartner, Gardner
I work as a volunteer at the Huntington Gardens
That is all I talk about.
I get all kinds of gardening catalogues
Im at the nusery more than I'm at home.
I buy That's It' Snail Bait , the largest size it comes in
I have greenhouses, and patio with shade cloth
My neighbors can see my front yard.
I teach classes to children and garden clubs
I give lots and lots of plants away for fund raising, church,
and senior citizens groups, school children.
I am a lot of gardening forums

Jasper, TX(Zone 8b)

I think everyone that meets me knows that I am a gardener. with my broken nails, sunburned skin etc. and dirty knees.......My girlfriend even called me youngerthandirt this past month and I think it will stick........Most call me The Texasrambler though , because I have been know to keep a shouvel in the car........ well ..... you can guess the rest of the story..........I work in a Plant nursery, and take advantage of all the good finds there too...........Neighbors ...never know what they are going to see me doing in the yard.......wonders if I too am going to open my own nursery.......You never know.. My Profession for the past 42 years has & still is All Breed Pet Grooming,& Raising Shetland Sheepdogs, I am a Certified Vet Tech. now working with Wildlife Rehabilation Col. for the state. My love, and passions Have always been working with Animals and Plants of all kind.. .......My hobbies to name a few .Helping others have a beautiful yard, Watergardening, & Floral Arrangements.....and many more............God has truly Bessed me with a full beautiful life..and wonderful friends

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8a)

I think the Give-Away is I am always on my knees with my
hands in the dirt, mudd, or other gardening soul food doing
some plant or seed project or another.
I began gardening at age 2 with my Granny in California, she
taught me a LOT then I married and my mother in law rekindled
that love in an overwhelming way as she taught me what she
could. I quit school in the 11th grade, but picked up the Latin
in NO TIME. I still don't know what some Latin names mean,
but I sure as heck can say them well. :)
I guess gardening is in my blood, handed down from the gen-
erations of Earth Loving forefathers of mine on my mother's
side who were Cherokee and Chalktaw Indan. Great Granny
"Ollie Broad foot" always CORRECTED we children when we
would say Ind-"i"-an, telling us NO NO NO it is Ind-"a"-n.
We all were given names, I had such white hair and fare skin
that I appeared BALD as a baby, so she named me Pale Feather.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I've been gardening for over 40 years now and closer to 50 if you count veggie gardening as a kid, back when it wasn't fun. My knees can't get me back up if I get on the ground, so I do everything bent over. Fortunately I don't wear dresses or skirts. LOL!! My fingernails are always dirty at the end of the day and half the time I find a torn one. Can't stand gloves. Everyone around here loves my gardening and especially my greenhouse. My aunt was here this morning and took two big boxes of plants home with her. The only problem with gardening in Iowa is that the season is to short and I have to garden in the house all winter.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

My worse problem being a gardener is when I leave in the morning for work in my white nurse's uniform and shoes. I can never make it to the car without grabbing the hose for a quick watering job or bending over to pluck some weeds out. I get to the car dirty and too late to go back in and change. My pants legs always are speckled brown!

I always carry toothpicks to clean the dirt from under my nails.

I am so bad, I just got home from Home Depot while visiting my mother in NJ and was thrilled that it is bare root rose time all over again. I ended up buying 2 roses and 2 huge pots and a bunch of other bulbs and plants to pot up for her. Her words to me as I left were, "I AM TOO OLD FOR ANY MORE PLANTS!" Guess she will have to deal with a little back door garden for another year! LOL

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Kell, you are so nice to your mom. I'm sure she brags to everyone about what nice things you do for her, but not until you have gone home. LOL! Some people don't know how to praise well.

Youngsville, NC(Zone 7b)

While raising six kids, gardening was a wonderful way to spend time alone - whenever they came around, they had to pull weeds. Same with beekeeping, noone came around! There is no better feeling than digging in good black soil after the disc went thru. Even my dogs loved the fresh turned soil.

Only since coming to NC have I done much other than vegetable gardening and it is so much fun. DH put a greenhouse up last year. Wonderful!

zoomchk, where us Somora? Anywhere near Wake Forest?

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Some background:
# 1 - My wife has a stiff leg as a result of an auto accendent.
She cannot get up & down off the ground. She does pull a few weeds now & then but it is hard for her.
# 2 - This is an old, basically German-Luthern farm community.
They are used to the men of the family to do the farm work & the women to take care of the garden, can, & keep a flock of chickens. At least this was the way until recently.
Therefore my wife is considered the gardener in our family, by people who live around here.

Our operation actually is my son does the bulk of the greenhouse work.
I do all the bookwork & keep the bills paid, fix machinery, do most of the tractor work in the fields. Both of us work the fields at planting, weeding & harvesting.
Our trusted hired hand, who has been with us forever, jumps in to do whatever needs doing.
It takes all of us to do the Farmers Market.
My wife is a great help at Farmers Market also.
She does help with preparring things for market. We are going to do pickled beets, watermelon pickles, & pickle pickles this year so that will really keep her busy.
MIL, (86 yrs young) also helps with the pickle making, & sometimes goes along to market.
In conclusion, everybody I know, thinks of me as a gardener, while others always ask,"What do you do for a living?"

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

Ears perked up! Watermellon pickles???
Bernie,I have seen your works,I am a Novice compared to you.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We have a container of various pickles in the fridge at all times. MMMMMmmnnn!
Pickled German

Swadlincote, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Most of my neighbours and friends know I garden, as well as some of my husband's patients(who sometimes bring plants/tomatoes for me to the surgery). I have got rubbed patches on my 'work' trousers where I kneel, and as I wear these for dog walking, I am often out for a long time talking gardens to various people on my route.

Belmont, NC(Zone 7b)

Everyone I know thinks I'm a gardener. Some of them actually think I'm sane and not been out in the hot NC sun too long. The way I look at it is this-that's what iced tea is for.
You know you are a gardener when the county black gold is marked on your October calendar when you put the calendar up in January. Hey, it's GOLD, right?

Jay (smooth)

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

I learned to love gardening from my mom as a child. I can't remember a time in my life that I haven't been trying to grow something no matter where I lived and what my circumstances were at the time. Like most gardeners, I always have torn fingernails, dirt under the nails and scratches on my knee's arms and legs. The other day my husband came home from work early, and told me I looked like a little dirty piglet when he caught me in my work clothes. I also love to grow from cuttings and seeds. I find them to be a challenge and feel such a sence of accomplishment when I can germinate a hard to grow seed or manage to root a cutting when I have never had much luck in the past. My greatest form of entertainment is scouring the nursery's throughout three county's looking for new plants to add to my collection. Right now my favorite plants to grow are tropicals, brugmansia's and my very large hoya collection. But I love to grow any kind of flower or veg.

Carencro, LA(Zone 8b)

Everyone I know, AND meet, knows that I am an avid gardener. I like to talk gardening, and esp. if they are into the same plants I am, or if I am able to help them in any way, physically or information wise, I try to do it. If someone is throwing plants away, I will more than likely take them, and if I do not want them, find homes for them. Can't help myself ;D

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