Houseplants are sick

( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Michigamme, MI
Zone 3a
Mar 21, 2004
9:42 AM


I need Help I am sick about my House plants I don't know what I am doing to them? They all Look sick some of them have turned black on the bottom leave I use Miracle-Gro potting soil is that maybe to strong for the plants? and they all look thin they used to be thick in the summer I keep them in an inclosed porch because at night its gets cold I have about 50 or more and all seem to be lossing leaves and look sick. can anyone tell me or help me with this problem. I did find some spider webs tiny so I brought some spray and a greenhouse from shopko and put the small one in there maybe that will work and thery will get better

Tallahassee, FL(Zone 8b)

Is your enclosed porch as sunny in winter as what they were used to in summer? Are they sort of crowded?

If they are getting less light than before, and struggling for light because they are crowded, this might explain it. Also, my plants always lose leaves when I bring them inside, partly due to lower light level all around them. Also, plants usually go dormant to some degree in winter.

Is this the first winter for them, or have you had them a few years and not had this problem. Did you add more plants this year?

Mine usually thrive again when I put them back outside in the spring. Some of them I have to repot because they've become leggy from leaf loss and stretching to get to the light. With these, I often lay the long stems sideways in the pot and cover with dirt except for the leafy part. Many root all along the stem and produce many more plants.

The spider mites didn't help, and often appear in crowded lower light conditions. They seem to be able to identify plants already in stress. Did the spray get rid of them?

I don't know if any of this helped. I would need more information, and I've certainly been guilty of plant murder myself.

Good luck! I hope they hold on until springtime in your area.


( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the infor Judith I am pretty sure they have low lite it is as cold on the porch as it is out side so I can't put them out there .Today is about 50 and the sun is shinning so I might just put them on the proch for a while Spring time here won't be till August The snow banks I have are taller then me and I am 5'7" . I have a 55 gallon drum out here and it is covered with snow. My plants are at least 3 years old and I have gotten some new and some started. Will I have been playing with them and put them is a house with a cover so may be that will help Thanks again

Tallahassee, FL(Zone 8b)

You're quite welcome. Hope I might have helped some.

Spring, not til August! Gee, maybe you need grow lights for them. Our spring is near in a couple of weeks. By August, our plants are all overgrown and spent for the year, if that's any comfort.

What plants are you growing? Maybe you would get more satisfaction growing plants that thrive in your zone. That's what I do. If it's not native or has demonstrated success, I'm too old to coddle it. There are quite a number of plants that thrive in your zone that I would love to be able to grow down here.

If you can't lick 'em, join 'em!

Again, good luck with your houseplants!


This message was edited Mar 25, 2004 6:14 PM

This message was edited Mar 25, 2004 6:15 PM

( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

I have quite a few house plants about 65 all size I did discover that I do have bugs so I have been spraying I have done that twice in 1 week I have been growing plants for a long time and this is the first time I have seen anything like this. I just brought a new Tropical plant at walmart last nite so I did spray it its called Anthurium I have no idea how to grow this so I ask for help in Tropical form. I also have strated a plant call Eggplant they grow little eggs on the tree this is the first time I started plants from seeds it is bout 4" talk I have African violets ,spider plants, Ivy , Christmas cacatus,I think that they are pretty hardy plants. Well Thanks for writting

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