Z Z Plant?

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

On HGTV's garden show, Back Yard Gardener, he talked about the easiest house plant; he called it "Z Z"?

I just found the earlier discussion on this plant. Jan 04. Will refer to that for further questions. I was spelling it Z Z and its correctspelling is ZZ.

This message was edited Mar 18, 2004 12:28 AM

Upton, MA(Zone 5b)

I'll bet it is: Zamioculcas Zamiifolia - Aroid Palm

It is a VERY easy and elegant plant.

This message was edited Mar 18, 2004 4:04 PM

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Zizi's are great! they do get large, though. I have seen small ones in the home depot, but they will get bigger. They have naturally glossy succulent green leaves on upright stems. This is their beauty. They were a pain to keep clean until I discovered the "Swiffer". It is like trying to dust louvered doors or shutters. the swiffer keeps it neat without the aggro. They can withstand not being watered for a couple of weeks, they do well in multiple light situations. I work with some on bright sunny windowsills and others that are in interior hallways lit only by flourescents during the day. A great office plant. I had never heard of them till I started working with an interior landscaper 4 years ago. but now they are available at Home Depot.

Upton, MA(Zone 5b)

Could you give me an idea of how big is "bigger?!" I bought one of these a couple of years ago as a small plant and now it is at least two feet+ tall and as wide. It sits by a window that never gets sun and puts up with anything I do or don't give it. It is gorgeous, but I need to start thinking of it's next location if it gets MUCH bigger!!

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

I gave one of these to my little brother as a housewarming present. He begged for a plant and I swore he wouldn't be able to kill it. He lives in a big house with a bunch of guys (party central) I guess somebody dumped a beer in it, he freaked out and called me, and low and behold it not only lived but it is also like 2 feet high! Careful though I think it's poisonous. Mere

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Actually I have heard that flat beer is good for house plants. One of my brothers thinks that is the secret to his great indoor plants.

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Too bad the beer never goes flat around here! lol

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

They will get large. Most of the ones I take care of are large floor plant size but I also take care of ones in 8-10"pots as well. I don't know about poisonous. I haven't heard anything about that, but I wouldn't eat most of the plants I take care of. You can cut them back and root the cuttings easily. the branches get kind of top heavy as they get older and I cut them out if they get too floppy.

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