African Violet blooms?

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

I am a newbie to AV's. When the blooms are finished do you take off just the blooms, or cut the little stem back that they are on?

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I just cut or pull the stem off all the way down to the dirt.
Some come off easier than others and you can use a butter knife or pencil to help get the really tough ones.


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks so much for your reply. So far they look good, I just didn't want to do anything to hurt them.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

They are pretty tuff little guys.The worst thing you can do to them is over water them or water them with cold water or hot water. I use a small plastic watering jug and fill it up at night,I let it sit over night to remove the chlorine and then I check each one before I water it to make sure it needs it.
I tend to drown everything I water so I have to check them first.
One of the things I have learned recently too is that they really don't need too many hours of light...all of mine look kinda funny because I have been leaving their lights on too long.Too much light seems to make them grow really tight in the center instead of flat like the "Show" type..but they still bloom
I haven't found them to be hard to grow or care for.
Most all of mine are just Wal Mart finds so they are probable the "hardier" type that can take the average abuse that I give everything.LOL


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

HI Lottie, Mine are Wal Mart babies too. My first was a rescue from the throw-away table from the Valentines day things, the other four were on sale for the weekend. They looked a little shop worn, but they were full of buds which so far are opening.

Must tell you funny AV story. My cousin lived in Hendersonville, NC. That's in the mountains so the nights are really cool even in the summer time. Well, she could grow rocks and make them bloom, greenest thumb I ever knew. She had one AV in her house that REFUSED to bloom, so she planted it outside her kitchen door in a little herb garden. That plant turned into a blooming bush! She broke off leaves and stuck them in the dirt, and they grew! That herb garden was the talk of the neighborhood. So you are right, they are probably tuffer than we think they are.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

What a great story...I wish mine would turn into a
Keep me posted .

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