Looking for

Clermont County, OH(Zone 6a)

stakes to help my climbing plants. I have seen them in others pots to help the plant. I can't seem to find any here in my area. Maybe I'm not using the right name for them. Could someone please let me know what the correct name for them is. Thanks

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Do you mean a stake as in a stick or a trellis? Most places will carry bamboo or other stakes. Home depot and Lowes have several kinds of stakes and pre-made trellises. If you have a Big Lots near you, they have some very inexpensive ones depending on how big you need them.

I get this plastic mesh at Home Depot for about $7 a roll and use it for climbers outside and small climbers in pots. I give away so many plants that this is very a very economical solution for me. I just cut off a piece to make whatever circumference and height I want and run a bamboo stake through. For larger pots, I staple the mesh to firring strips.

I have also used chicken wire if the plant needs something really sturdy.I hope this isn't more than you ever wanted to know. Lol! good luck.

Thumbnail by frogsrus
Clermont County, OH(Zone 6a)

Yeah, that would work. I just remember the wooden and moss covered stakes that my mom had in her pots for the phild., and other climbers she had. I'll have to check out Big Lots ot's only 5 mins down the road. Thanks

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

They have the covered stakes like that at HD and Lowes.

Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

Great! That's a wonderful way to tame my unruly philod. And seems cheaper than seeking out a 4 foot moss log!

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

I love this mesh. It is CHEAP! I can tack it to my ugly "good neighbor" fences and have a wall of climbers in no time. If it needs to come down, you can just yank the whole thing off of the fence and start over.

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