Carrot experimentation thread...

California, MD(Zone 7a)

Now, that's a twist... for ME. Never saw anyone "ferment" them.

BUT, there IS an upside!!! I haven't washed/collected them, yet. How do you ferment mater seed? Does this offset the F1 Hybrid tendency to not be viable?

I guess I'd better start looking into this thing more closely.

(Too many years of buying plants/seed, instead of taking the time to save and prepare them myself)

Are they the only ones in need of fermenting?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Whoa now, back up. Why are you saving hybrid seed anyway? Altho there is a slight chance you "may" end up with the mater you grew out last year, that chance is very iffy.

F1 seeds will often be viable but you'll end up (usually) with plants that are like the parent stock, or stocks, and not necessarily resembling the tomato that you got the seeds from.

Fermenting will give you better insurance that the seeds you plant out will be viable, and it also helps to stop any disease organisms stored on the seed. I ferment all the tomato seeds that I save, wouldn't think of not doing so.

This message was edited Mar 17, 2004 4:53 PM

California, MD(Zone 7a)

My ignorance will show here.

Do you use yeast to do this? Sugar? I really don't know.

Reason I mentioned F1 is because if I use ones bought from somewhere that I happen to like, I won't know what it is, probably. Those huge red peppers from SFW, for instance.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Rather than being too wordy (and re-typing the method) here is a great link to all you need to know, Bob.

As for your pepper seeds, I wouldn't worry about fermenting them, just go ahead and sow them and cross your fingers. (That's what I'm doing with some seeds that Ernie sent me...can't remember where the thread on that particular pepper is tho.)

California, MD(Zone 7a)

OK, I'll plant 2 pepper seed about ½" apart and maybe I can get them apart to transplant if they come up spottily.

Marysville, WA(Zone 7a)

shoe, fermenting mater seeds is a new one on me. The only luck I've had is fermenting malted barley. Has anyone tried tissue culture on carrots?

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I'd like help with tomato seeds as well, ACTUALLY I'd really like for someone to take this *$&*&@%&@&%@#$*@!)*$
Cat I have that waits until my seedlings are UP to destroy them.

OK, I feel better, sorry.

Electric Bob, you did just fine with the quotes... and it looks like you guys learn quickly! we'll have you building your own websites in no time!!!

Shoe, I think sometimes it's good to use the bold type... it's so difficult to convey what we really want to say sometimes, and not have it come out to someone reading it as insulting or whatever. I have a habit of typing in large cap instead of doing the bold thing if it's something I want to emphasize more.

In general, I'm a MAJOR smart butt, but, I've learned over the years I can't say things tongue in cheek on the internet like I could if I were talking to you face to face. While face to face everyone laughs because they understand what I mean, over the internet someone can easily take a comment that is meant to be lighthearted very seriously. :-( Every little tool we can use to emphasize our writing is a good thing in my book. :-)

Now that I've ranted about my @#$@%@$^ cat, and I've told you more than you ever wanted to know about my feelings on expressions in writing....

Just what does fermenting tomato seeds do for them??


California, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's what Shoe sent, Melissa and Balvenie.

I haven't read it yet, but I saved it for later.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Melissa, yeh.. I'm like you in that I've been using CAPS to accent certain words, mainly cus it's fast for me to do so. (Hmm...I bet I can learn the HTML formula pretty quick once I remember them though, eh?)

As for that pesky cat diggin up stuff, next time you trim your rose bushes (or someone you know does) lay the trimming in your beds...the thorny things will keep your cat from digging. (Also will keep dogs from lounging around there too!)

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Shoe actually I thought that exact thing when I saw the package Linda thinks that would would be funny now lets see what will fit the package.?

Not seeing a lot of growth in my carrot pot yet but the wave petunias are growing leaps and bounds every day.Ernie

California, MD(Zone 7a)


Where are you growing your wave patooties? I have some coming and the danged weather has turned cold again and there's a skim of (aaaaaarrrrrrrgh!) s-s-s-s-s-s-snow on MY deck (grrrrrrrrrr, one of them 4-letter woids! I almost couldn't say it!).


I hear they like cats at oriental restaurants. (oops)


Are these all the HTML accents we are allowed here? Are there more... like "quote," "font size," etc? And would you please put the picture up of you and your kids you had on CountrySide? I have this picture of Dawndra in mind, connected with the name "Melissa"... for some reason. There's me, below (Yeah, right... in about 1954!)

Are you still getting "weather" up there in the Nor' West? My friend, Suz up there in WI is digging out of ANOTHER 6". Brrrr!


Thumbnail by Electric_Bob
Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

what a hunk!

California, MD(Zone 7a)

Booooyyyyyyyy, I get ta runnin me mouff and forgot the mos important thang... CARROTS!

My little 6" plastic salad bowl is a veritable JUNGLE, dis mawnin!

But, I cheated.

We had radishes in last night's crabcake, shrimp, spinach salad and I saved a top! (Actually it started as a GREEN salad in honor of my man, St Paddy!)

Also stuck in 2 more carrot tops. Heh-heh!

Couldn't help meself! I got de fever!!

This message was edited Mar 18, 2004 5:55 AM

Thumbnail by Electric_Bob
Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

I noticed a goofy thing yesterday. The tops grew faster when the water was almost to the top than when the water was only about 1/8" deep.

edited to add: E_B - pretty soon you won't be able to see the forest for the trees!! :)

This message was edited Mar 18, 2004 5:05 AM

California, MD(Zone 7a)

Touché, Kooger,

I am gettin overgrowed mit der forest! Yikes! I vill soon der Grösser bowl muss havink!

I didn't notice what happens with the different water levels... but I DID see what happens with............... none! Oops! I will keep notice of this, though, and keep the water level up.

(Did anybody else get brrrrrrrrrrr... snow?)


You may want to try this, but I haven't found out where to get whole sorrel leaf, yet. All I got in a Google Search is the ground-up stuff. Not to start on recipes, here, I will post on the "Recipe" string in the future.


Prep: 15 min, Cook: 20 min, plus refrigeration time.

For 4 servings:

2 quarts water
1 lb. fresh sorrel, washed thoroughly, stemmed, ribs removed, coarsely chopped. Ribs and stems tied together securely in a bundle.
kitchen string
3 eggs
1 egg yolk
1 tsp. lemon juice, to taste
1/2 cup sour cream

Bring water with sorrel leaves and bundle of ribs and stems to a boil in a nonreactive saucepan. Reduce heat to low and simmer 20-30 minutes, until leaves are soft and starting to lose texture. Discard bundle of ribs and stems. Lightly beat eggs and egg yolk with a fork in a large bowl. Slowly beat in the hot soup. When 4 cups soup have been added, trickle egg mixture back into the saucepan, beating constantly. Pour soup back and forth between the pot and bowl to cool it more quickly. Let cool and refrigerate until cold. Stir in lemon juice, and salt and pepper to taste just before serving. Serve with sour cream.

This recipe serves 6 people. Due to the nature of this recipe, it adjusts the number of servings in multiples of 6 only.

Per serving: calories 101, fat 7.6g, 66% calories from fat, cholesterol 137mg, protein 5.3g, carbohydrates 3.6g, fiber 2.2g, sugar 1.2g, sodium 56mg, diet points 2.7.

The recommended wine is: Fumé Blanc.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Electric Bob Wrote:

Are these all the HTML accents we are allowed here? Are there more... like "quote," "font size," etc?

As far as I know E_B, Dave would be the person to ask about that.

And would you please put the picture up of you and your kids you had on CountrySide? I have this picture of Dawndra in mind, connected with the name "Melissa"... for some reason.

Countryside? I"m not sure I know what you're talking about Bob... Do you have me confused with someone else?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Bob...looks like a tasty recipe to me! Thanks!

(Why is the URL link in your post tho?)

Ernie, jealous of your wave petunias...I wanted to do some this year but realize I'm trying to downsize, so guess it's a good thing I am so tardy ordering them! You'll have to post pics of yours for us all to enjoy!

California, MD(Zone 7a)

Well, Homesteading Today. I keep forgetting they are HT, now. Maybe you ARE the wrong Melissa.

California, MD(Zone 7a)

Oooops! Sorry Shoe,

I didn't ask... is anybody interested in the Mittleider Gardening Method. I meant to put that in another post. Is there a place for those things or is everyone already aware of this?


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Look for posts submitted by Jim Kennard...he can help you w/the Mittleider stuff.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I don't homestead... but you can see a picture of me here

Print one if you're having any problems with mice!

California, MD(Zone 7a)

Very nice family. Hope you all ARE able to make it to our roundup. Did you figure how to catch a ride or make it there? You know, Kim and Howie are coming from Ohio.

Hope everyone who plans on it can make it. Should be very nice. Candee and hubby have a beautiful place, there.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Eb in a greenhouse sorta that I build on the side of my shop. Its more like a big room with a lot ow windows sliding doors and twinwall roof. Tunies are under a 400 watt hid light that I am about to change up to 1000 the light moves on a light rail back and forth. the table it is lighting is 4 by 16 feet and is full of and I mean full of tunias, impatients, snapdraggons,lobeilla, violias, begonias,datura, and a couple I dont know what they are.

Sounds good on the surface but only the tunies are in four inch pots the majority of the rest can grow in what they are in but the begonias 90 some need to be put in 4 inch pots but short on room my eyes are to big. Peppers are in starting stand with heat mats and flourscent lights and need to start tomatoes soon.

Right now I am trying to figure out a quick cover to build so I can get them off the table and outside.

Shoe sorry I didnt just send you some plugs when they were still plugs remind me next year. I usually get 88 to 102 percent germ depending on color. Yes 102 percent every seed of tidal wave came up. Not as well for the other 5 colors but good enough for my use and some to give to friends.

Sounds like everyones carrots are growing except mine but I did not trim off the tops? I just put them in with the winter kill length top on them should I leave them or trim them? Ernie

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I trimed them all but two I do see new growth even on the ones I cut in half length ways. I don't see anything changing with the tip ends so I bet thats a no go as is the horizontial slices and the shallow side cuts even though I was careful to include root hairs.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

No activiety from the slices and the thin sliced ones turned to mush so I put those in dirt and they appear to be drying up.
The rest continue to grow new foliage.

How about yours Ernie

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I cut some up, 6 of em. Put them in wa-wa, and the bigger ones are growing top right away. Today, a week or so later, I see growth on the smaller ones.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

got 3 with 2-3 in tops and some have root hairs over an inch long. think I should plant now?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

L your call me I would do half . How short did you trim the green growth when you started? Two to three inches seems to be growing along at a good pace.Ernie

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

When I started, 2 of them had no growth at all, the other was one that I found in the bottom of my veggie drawer that was getting icky and had pale white tops about 1" long. I cut it off, added it to the other 2 and it greened up right away but the stems are still yellow. Here's a pic of each.

Thumbnail by kooger
Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

second one

Thumbnail by kooger
Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

last one

Thumbnail by kooger
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

forgot to follow this thread for a while - you guys crack me up whats happened in april. heres a bumper sticker for the cat problematic of us "so many cats - so few recipes"
still don't have unfrozen earth in the great north yet

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

One dark and stormy night the first week of April all of a sudden the sky got darker and the wind increased to record force. I raced around shutting windows and puttin down the storm doors as I finished the sky began to glow green and pink with purple shades . I heard a strange sound like an animal growling in defiance.

I became so afraid a warlock would appear I grabbed a bottle of Crown Royal and hid under the covers. When I awoke it was noon the next day and the jug was dry. I guess my defense worked because no warlocks got me in my sleep.

Going to unbatten the green house I noticed something had sucked the life out of my carrots and left them dehydrated. All is not lost because I found life in one. Darned old carrotlock spoiled my stuff. Ernie

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Ernie, reminds me of the time when I's only 8 yrs was April, way past Ten PM and I went outside to uh, uhh, see a man about a horse. (We didn't have indoor plumbing back then.) All of a sudden I heard a howling noise. "Hooooooo.....aaaaaaaa!!!!". (It sounded very shrill! And unusual! Like a whipporwill with chapped lips!) I looked around, across the garden field towards the springhouse and thought I saw a white figure, but then it disappeared!

Going back to finishing my little bizness all of a sudden I heard it again! "Hooooo.....aaaaaaaa!!!!". This time it came from another direction! I was scairt! Scairt, I was! (Well, sorta scairt...I didn't run. I knew the noise was a good ways off, in the distance, probly over by Markley's Jones cow fence.)

ALL OF A SUDDEN I heard a twig crack behind me! I spun around and there...there....

...there was Granny! She had come out to check on me. I asked her if she heard the noises and she told me who it was. (But WHO? Well, that's another story.) Thing is, next thing she said was, "C'mon back inside and lets have some milk and carrots and get to bed." (She NEVER let me have milk and cookies like I read about in my Mark Twain books!)

Oh well, that's my April memory. Night ya'll!

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