Heat Mat Question

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Hey Horseshoe, or someone who uses these things. I just got a new heat mat, which has a metalic strip running down each long side. This may sound pretty dumb, but does the strip go on the top(up), or the bottom(down)? :?
Thanks for your help.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Congrats on the heat mat! You're gonna luv it!

As for that metal strip...hmmm, mine doesn't have that. Is it a railing maybe to keep the trays from falling off? Or is it more like a flat piece of stripping (like on the back of a credit card).

Can you post a pic, or bring up a website of whoever you bought it from? That might help.

By the way, is it a rubber mat, or something more rigid?

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Shoe, it's a flat, thin thing, and the strip is like a credit card strip. I got it from Worm,s Way. I was a little dissapointed in it, cause my old mat is like tire rubber, nice and thick. I was trying to save $, but I guess "cheap" is just that.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Okay, I went to the website and looked at their pics. They show it with the strips facing up so I would assume that's in the usable position. http://www.wormsway.com/detail.asp?sku=FGP310#

I imagine those strips are where the wires inside connect together or loop back around and is for extra sturdiness.

I think you'll have good results with that mat. Those look inexpensive to me, not necessarily "cheap". Do they have their own built-in thermostat?

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Now why didn't I look at the picture?(slaps forehead)
Yes it does have a built in thermostat, supposed to keep the soil 70 to 75 degrees.
I've run out of room on my other mat, and these are the only "heat" in my GH right now.
You mentioned on another thread that you had a lot of heat mats. Where do you get them, and what are they like?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hmm...I have four heat mats...each one is 4 or 5 feet long, hard rubber (you can even use them for feet warmers) and expensive (to me, anyway.) I believe I got them from HPS. They'll last a lifetime however. They also require a separate thermostat to run but it is adjustable for temps.

I bought the thermostat and one heat mat one year, maybe 6 yrs or more ago. Then each year would buy another. (The thermostat lets you plug in 4 heat mats, altho that could be increased by using those extension thingys.)

Calalily told me once they bought heat mats in much larger lengths and I think they were much cheaper than what I paid. (At this point tho, I don't need any more than the four that I have so didn't check it out.)

I used to use the heat cables which had built in thermostats. They, too would keep the heat around 70 or so BUT it depended on the ambient temperature. From what I remember there was a 20 degree leeway...if the air temp was below 50 the heat cable wouldn't be powerful enough to heat the flats to 70 and would run full time. So...basically, if it's 30 or 40 degrees they wouldn't get the soil temp in your pots/flats up to 70, but would keep trying.

I heat my greenhouse to 50 degrees at nite. If you are doing the same I would think your new heat mat should keep your soil/flats at the temp they said it would. Hope this info helps.

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks a bunch, Shoe!

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Hey, Shoe: I have the heat mats with the adjustable temp. They do last a long time. I've had mine for 20 yrs. and they are just like new and keep on a going.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Ahhh....so they really ARE a great investment, eh, Debby!?

Great! Glad to hear that! Thanks!

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Better be knocking on wood here. The thermostat is still holding up after 20 yrs. of use. In this instance, you do get what you pay for.

Elizabethton, TN(Zone 7a)

What brand are those good thick last a long time adjustable ones? I'm thinking of investing, and would love feedback / suggestions / warnings.


Mesilla Park, NM

Horseshoe, what is HPS? Do they sell on the internet? I have some small mats from Jiffy and they do not have the thermostat. The have been doing good for me, but they are so small, I get one tray on there. That's it. I would like to purchase a couple of bigger ones. Thanks and sorry for the interuption here..

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Gourd...no need to apologize, this place is for everyone and there is no such thing as an interruption! Come on in, have a seat.

HPS is Horticultural Products Supply. I've used them for quite a few years and have only had a few mishaps with them (these being a couple backorders that needed following up on cus I wanted my seeds NOW!) :>) However, all in all they are easy to work with.

The heat mats I use are somewhat expensive (for me, anyway). I bought one mat and a 4-mat thermostat from them one year, then would buy one mat a year until I eventually have four. (By the way, they also sell a 2-mat thermostat a bit cheaper than the 4-mat and I often wonder "why not just buy that one and use a power strip to plug in exta mats?" Seems like it would save initial costs but do the same purpose.)

Anyway...their website is: https://www.hpsseed.com/hpssiteDefault.aspx

I just looked at their heatmats...they have really shot up in price! Zowie!

Don't order them. Let me see what I can find that is comparable and less expensive.

Mesilla Park, NM

Shoe, I think most of the prices run about the same everywhere. I like that big sized one though.

Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

Hey guys. How is everyone? I kind of ran into this thread and am glad I did. I too have been looking for a/some heating mat(s). I want something that's going to last a while. I like the idea of getting a thermostat that I can add mats to. I have been searching high and low for some time now. Maybe a couple of months. I have actually found them a bit cheaper than the link above. The place I found them at is called Discount Hydroponics. Here is their link. http://www.discount-hydro.com/cloning.asp
I have found that they have most of their things cheaper than other places. I've never ordered from them so I really can't speak on their service. I have called them though to see what shipping, thermostat and heating mat (48x20) total would be and they told me (to my zip code) it was something like $112.00. I don't know if you can add mats to this thermostat though. I didn't know this option existed. I had thought of the possibilities of controlling more than one mat with one thermostat but I didn't know that a thermostat with multiple mat hook-up option was available. I would really be interested in knowing where Calalily got hers. Maybe someone can ask her to join this thread. I really do look forward to more info/follow-ups on this thread. Like I said, I'm interested.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hmmm....I actually emailed Cala and I think she said it was something like "Knoxville Supplies" or something but I can't seem to find it on a search.
ACF Supply has some 20 X 48 mats for $65 plus a thermostat for $36 (and a multiple cord for hooking up to three mats to the thermostat for $3.00). However their mats don't look like the solid rubber ones I have so can't speak about their durability.

Bugfreak, I just checked your link you gave above. Those mats look like what ACF has. And you're right, those prices are cheaper, too. (I'm gonna save that link to my Favorites. Thanks!)

Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the info. I have also e-mailed Cala. I'll have to wait to see what she says. So the cord for $3.00 is the accessory needed for multiple hook-ups? Humm.. I'll have to look into this more. Thanks again.

(for anyone reading and just looking for price comparison) The link I have included above still has them a bit cheaper and I believe they are the thick rubber ones.

Mesilla Park, NM

BugFreak, I ordered one and the Thermostadt.. after I ordered them, on the invoice I got, the address is here in Riverside, CA, only 15 miles from my house.. so, I guess I can just drive over there in the future and see what else they have.. Thanks for the link.. I want to get one of those adapters too for the multiple hook ups..

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks BugFreak, I just happen to be passing by :-) and I ordered one of the 18"x20" and a thermostat. I thought their prices were better than I have found, I needed these like two months ago, where were you then :-) I just joined in Feb. and love this place.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Howdy LeBug...
Just wanted to welcome ya to the famous DG!

Be seein' ya around!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Horsehoe, I'm sure you'll be seeing me, I'm doing annuals this year, never have before and I am going crazy, it is so much more simple with my perennials. Plants seem to be more alive when you start them outside, this really is a different experience for me.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Never fear! Lots of good gardeners here!

Any questions you have just either do a search or go ahead and post it. I'm sure folks will gladly chip in and help out.

Indiana, eh? I believe we've got some pretty good folks right there in your state with ya!


Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

LeBug, Welcome to Dave's Garden. Where was I you ask? Well it just so happens that I was only recently sent to "Disneyland" and to tell the truth, it was the best thing that could have happened to me. I registered here at DG some time back but never really used it. I love this place and I'm afraid I wouldn't have given it a chance if I was still at the "other place". I'm glad I was able to help out with the link for the heating mats. I really need some of these too. I just don't even know where to start. I'm glad Horseshoe has given us some input on the accessories too. I will definately get one of these cause I believe I'll eventually have 3 large mats and want to be able to power them all off of the same thermostat. (Thanks Horseshoe).

So you think that the mats are the same as the AFC ones? Bummer..! I really do want the rubber type ones so just goes to show you. I'll have to call them up and ask some questions. Just when you think you've got it figured out they throw a curve ball at you. Well, I guess I'm back to the drawing board.

Where did you end up ordering your mat from? Is it the rubber type or is it the thin laminated type? Hope to hear from you.


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

bugfreak, well, the pics sure look the same that are being shown at both companies.
Here's a pic of the hard rubber mats. Altho "thin" looking these are very rugged.

Thumbnail by Horseshoe
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

And here is the thermostat:

Oh BOOGERS! Sorry. Wrong pic. See next one.

This message was edited Mar 10, 2004 11:52 PM

Thumbnail by Horseshoe
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

This one is the thermostat.
Very well-made, handles four (or more) mats.

Thumbnail by Horseshoe
Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

Where did you get yours from again? Thanks for the pictures. They give me an idea of what I'm looking for. I'm trying to sow seeds of something like 40 different species of passifloras so i want to make sure I do it right. Thanks again.


(horseshoe)I just followed the link you provided (https://www.hpsseed.com/hpssiteDefault.aspx). It looks to me like the very same mat as what is on the Discount Hydroponics link (http://www.discount-hydro.com/cloning.asp). They are identical so I think that these are the rubber ones. I'm thinking that they probably changed the look cause they don't look like yours. I'll give them a phone call just to make sure. Or maybe LeBug can tell us since LeBug has ordered one from them already. LeBug, any input on this? It's probably too soon and still in transit to you. Hope to hear from you...

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Bug, I just went back there and looked. The only one they show with a pic is what they call the "hobbyist heat mat", and yes it looks like the same one as at Discount.

However, next to that is the "Professional Rubber propagating mat and thermostat". The don't have a pic of it, but you can click it and get the prices. https://www.hpsseed.com/hpssite/hpssitebrowse.aspx?category=179

Right now I'm scanning a pic out of their catalog. Be right back

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Zowie, back already! (Usually it takes me scanner a ba-jillion years to warm up!)

Here is from their 2003-04 catalog. Note how it is more of a hard rubber than the others shown at the other sites? (Prices have really gone up tho!)

Thumbnail by Horseshoe
Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Shoe: That is exactly what mine are. If it wasn't so darn cold here I'd go take a picture. Like I said, they have lasted me over 20 yrs. and still going strong. I have 2 of the 22x60. Plus the 4 way thermostat. Each one holds five flats easily. You can stagger the flats and add more flats on top of the bottom flats and cover with a sheet or tarp and really keeps the heat in. The intial investment is high but they are really great in lasting along time.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Debby, that's exactly what I do also, stagger the flats on top for extra germ/growing space.

One of my tables is wrapped in plastic and has a curtain on the front. This was very easily built and allows me to warm more than just the five flats. I pull the curtain down at nite and, if needed, can easily flip them up during the day to allow extra lite to the shelves.

Glad to hear yours are still going strong after such a long time. Now I know I made a good investment that will keep on paying off.

Mesilla Park, NM

Hey guys,
It came yesterday, it looks great and bigger than what I thought, .. the rubber one is probably much better. This one is the 18 x 48 inches.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

This is the Thermostadt control.. I have got to go down there and see what they have and will let you all know. Maybe they have the rubber ones (hidden somewhere) .. lol..

Thumbnail by Gourd
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Congrats! That was pretty quick service too, eh?

I'm sure you're gonna benefit from that heat mat. Gonna start maters and peppers SOON!?? ;>)

Mesilla Park, NM

Gourds, Gourds, Gourds and Zuccunni, Cukes and flowers.. I also start lots of vines, but am going to try my hand at propagating grapes, vines (and whatever else I can, we have a little over 2 acres and need lots of stuff around here).

Mesilla Park, NM

Hey all, found a good swivel hook for the trees to hang baskets, etct.. these are strong and inexpensive (compared to the swival planter hooks they sell for this purpose)..

These are at Lowes in the paint dept. originally sold to hold cans of paint on the ladder.. for $1.88 I just love them, got 6 of them.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

Let us know if they have the rubber ones.

I think you are right about the hobby type mats. I see what you mean with the pictures. Let me know if you find anyone who has the rubber ones at a decent price. Thanks Shoe.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey, I'll let you know about the mat and the thermostat when I get it, probably be a week or two, it's coming ups ground :-( cheapest shipping of course :-) that was like 3 wks. ago right? lol, seems like it, could use it like now.

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Hey! I found the same hard red rubber heat mats at Mellingers. They are about $20 cheaper than the ones Shoe found. They have the four mat thermostat, too.
They are on page 63 of the 2004 Mellingers catalog or at www.mellingers.com, under propagation mats. Think I'm going to do the Shoe thing, and get one mat and the thermostat this year.
Thanks Shoe!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Ahah!...that looks like them! Much better price too!

Good goin, skyblu!

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