Soil Moist

Milwaukee, WI(Zone 5a)

I think I just struck a gold mine. I found "Soil Moist" for only $20.95/3 # container. (I think) @ This product usually goes for $30 - $37.50/3 lb container.

This is a great product and if "her" prices are correct, this would be great for us.

Just my thoughts. Pls. pass this on to other lists. (Hope this price is true...don't shoot the messenger!!)


Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

Steve, the hyperlink said that this page could not be found but i was wondering what you use this product for. Could have enlighten me on that? I have house plants but have never heard of this before. Thanks, Robbie

Milwaukee, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Robbie,

I also checked on clicking on the hyperlink and got the same response you did. However if you go to your browser and type it in: , it will come up. You can also use google.

Also, instead of me trying to explain what Soil Moist is, just go to their website. Go to google and search for Soil Moist. I was wrong about the price though. It is $23.95/3 # container. Still a great price.............Steve

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi bagby, from what Im getting, its like the water absorbing crystals. I just got 2# from ebay for 13.99 with free shipping.

"Soil Moist stores over 200 times its weight in tap water, releasing a steady supply of water as your plants need it. Soil Moist offers the following benefits:

Reduces plant waterings
Reduces evaporation of moisture from the soil
Time releases fertilizer and water
Encourages deep root penetration
Reduces soil compaction
Minimizes transplant shock
Lasts several seasons
Cost effective

Soil Moist has been developed to reduce the amount of water needed to maintain vigorous plants and other green goods. When mixed in the soil, the crystals will soften and swell as water is added and absorbed. When the potting system dries, the polymer will release its water to the plant. Soil Moist acts as a water reservoir--even during periods of drought the stored water is released to the plant. The expansion and retraction of the polymer during the watering cycle helps soil aeration, which is important to all plants.

Soil Moist is a synthetic acrylic copolymer. The polymer is non-toxic and safe to use in all landscape applications. When added to landscape and planting applications, Soil Moist will continue to work for an extended period of time."

This was copied from

Milwaukee, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Shelly & Robbie,

That's a great price Shelly. I will definately keep eBay in mind. I just received 3 1# containers and the total w/shipping was +/- $30. A good price but yours is definately better.

Robbie, this is a great product. You should try it...BUT, be careful with cactus and other succulents. I killed a very nice Aloe using it. Too much moisture. I still use it with Aloe and other cacti but I just use half the recommended amount..."so fah, so good". :) Steve

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

I will look into getting some of this. I may not use it in the aloe pots i have tho just to be on the safe side. Thanks for the information. I need some potting soil and will try to find some of the soil moist soon. Thanks for the tip. Robbie

Milwaukee, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Robbie & Shelly,

Just a quick addendum to this and then I think we have just about "beat this horse to death".

I've been having a lot of problems with "mealy bugs". They killed several (probably 95%) of my ferns, all of my gardenias & jasmines. Anyway, I "finally" went to my local agricultural extension agent (SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS LAST YEAR!!) and they told me why what I was doing wasn't working and what to do. (Very,very nice people!!)

Anyway, I went to my local garden store to buy this product to kill the mealy bugs and guess what I found???? SOIL MOIST in a clearance sale. $7.95/1 # container....UNBELIEVABLY CHEAP RETAIL PRICE! (Still not as good as Shelly's eBay buy, but a great price none-the-less. Guess it just "shows-to-go-ya"...again...pays to shop around.

Best of luck to everyone........enjoyed this thread...take care........Steve

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Ya did good Steve!
Hope ya get rid of those nasty mealy bugs!!
Take care, and best of luck.

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

Thanks for this information. I will try to remember to check into this soon. I was at Lowes this week and didnt even think about it. I was looking for something else. I have to get particular things in my mind to remember this stuff. Senior moments, i geuss. Robbie

southern, NJ(Zone 7a) Best price I have found. 13.30/2 lbs, including shipping :)

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

BB7551, I thought I had posted about this long ago. Guess I forgot to send the posting. I got some crystals from Watersorb too. 5# I think. Anyway, enough to last me for a couple years or more. I gave some to a friend and she loves them too.

I put a few to many of them into one pot last summer. It rained, the crystals swelled and swelled and the little hosta start was sitting about 3" above the top of the pot rim. It took several weeks for it to finally shrink to the level of the pot rim. I thought I had them totally swelled before putting them into the soil but obviously not.

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