Nepthitis Rescue

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

This poor baby was in the dead plant bin. I am sure that with some repotting and love, she will be beautiful again. Who can resist vareigated plants? Some of her leaves are dark, dark green.

Thumbnail by frogsrus
Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I can't pass up a plant that has even a little life either.
I hope with all your love and care she comes back a beauty. I love variegated plants.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Yikes! i just looked at the spelling. I can't change the header. oh well.

Her pups do not have much for roots on them so I am hoping that some food will help her along. Keep your fingers crossed.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Thats beautiful frogsrus, you sound like me, the 4 foot tall bananas I have stated out from the grocery store as a 4 inch plant with one leaf screaming "just step on me and get it over with". Ive had many pups on it that Ive given away and this year Im going to plant one outside and see how it does.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

That's going to be a great plant. I love rescues.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

This is its cousin that was about dead when I tossed it outside to takes its chances. As you can see, it is in need of yet another haircut. I hope the new one does as well.

Thumbnail by frogsrus
Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Another beautiful rescue!

Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

Hey Frogs, if you're still watching this, how's the Neph doing? My mother has one that is 35 years old and needs saving. I wonder if you could give me some tips?

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

The variegated is not doing too well. It is trying though. I it threw a lot of plain green sports that had to be cut off. The big green monster just got replanted as it kept tipping the pot it was in. 35 years old Wow. Mine is only about 5. How big is it? It may just need a good dose of fresh soil. Potting soil does wear out eventually. I feed mine osmocote (I like the once every 3-4 month thing.) Mine stays outside year round here in the shade of the patio. Does hers get any time in the yard-weather permitting. I am betting the new soil would perk it right up. There may be so many roots that it cannot sustain itself. Start some new ones too. They are very easy.

Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

Thanks Frogs! It was six feet tall, but had shed every leaf on the bottom four feet. We didn't know what was wrong, so we cut off anything that looked viable for rooting. I have four cuttings in seed starter with rooting hormone, four cuttings in water with an aspirin crushed in it, and the original root stock that we cut back and repotted. I did all this on Saturday 2/5. So far, none of the cuttings have collapsed. I am hoping for some growth in the next few weeks. Do you know how long they should take to strike? They are in my fairly warm and humid animal room where they will get light but not sun. The plant is older than I am! We have to save at least some part of it. Any other suggestions?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

May I but in here?????? Where do you find the rescue bins? it sounds like a real treasure trove of possibilities.. Let me at 'em.......

Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

You have wal-marts in Florida? Find out what day they get live plants delivered and go the day before-that is usually the day they clean the department and throw out plants that are not good enough to sell. You can often find plants that will live and sympathetic workers who will let you have them cheap. "Real" nursuries usually take care of their plants and don't have dead plant bins (at least near me) but many retail chains just toss last week's products to make room for the new stuff every week.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the info.....

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

The cuttings will show root growth first. It is a very forgiving plant and should be alright. Low lite is all they need. I just start em in water in a vase by the kitchen sink. Makes nice greenery with a flower or two. Sometimes the plants just get too big for the pot they are in. I have raised so huge potted hangers but they do not last forever. You have done the best thing for the original plant. It has lasted this long so it is a pretty hearty beast.

Lowes usually has a "plants in need of love" area. Some targets do as well. Home depot almost never. They get $ back for the dead ones. Longs Drugs by my dad has a great one-go figure. Do scope out the neighbors as well. Some of my neighbors and I will share what we are thinning or hacking upon, one man's treasure syndrome. So many things start easily from cuttings and most folks are happy to share.

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