
Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

OK, here's some more curiosities: from Thailand.. anyone know what these are?

Thumbnail by palmbob
Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

Here's another interesting one

Thumbnail by palmbob
Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

and one last one... this one looks familiar, but I have no idea if it's the same one I see growing in gardens about Los Angeles

Thumbnail by palmbob
Lappeenranta, Finland(Zone 3a)

The last one might be this

and the second plant is somekind of Aloe.

Valley Village, CA

Again Bob they all look familar, except #2 I'm not sure of. I have 170 of these plants, you may come here, it may help you Identify them. They are grown very well.

There several people in the Los Angeles Cactis amd Sicculent Club that usually meet the last Thursday of each month at the Balboa Seniors Building about 1/2 bl. north of Ventura Blvd. on the West side of the street. parking is in the rear, the meeting starts at 7:00 we have people that seem to know it all. Please come and ask. Norma

Valley Village, CA

I have one more person you may email those picture to, he will certainly be able to help you. Email me privately for his email address. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Palmbob, most San. are from Africa, or India. I didn' know that they were finding them in Thailand now. Contack this person: Michel Barclay, make sure you let him know that I sent you, we are dear friends, let me know he doesn't help you out. Or you can bring them here, and compare them with what I have. If they are species I should have all three. Norma

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

The first one looks like Sansevieria 'Tom Thumb'.

The second 'looks' like an Aloe plicatillis but I've never seen one patterned like that and it appears a bit too pointed on the ends, so I'm probably WAY off.

The third looks like one of the cylindrical Sans but I don't see any pattern on it.
Does it have faint dark green or black markings?


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Try Agave geminiflora for the last shot.


Valley Village, CA

The #2 is not Aloe Pilcaatillis I have two of these plants each a different clone. I do not know this one unless it could be S. rorhida ? spelling which is extremely rare and most people have never seen the plant. Juan is the only person that I know of who would be able to confirm this.
#3 could be several, look at the base of the plant, if the leaf bases form a S it is then S. schweinfurthii whose name has been changed, it's too dark in my greenhouse to check out the new name tonight. #1 may be a hybrid or a reversion. It reminds me of 'Futura' with the wide short leaves. It could also be a reversiion of S.'Moon Shine', which is very suspect. Who named it. Has it been published as so? Where was it purchased? Here in Calif? Perhaps a place on Rosemead Blvd? The best person to answear these questions is Juan Chahinian (author) The Sansevieria Trifasciata varieties. #2 S.'Tom Thumb'? I know there is a Crassula by that name. It could be also
a miniature S. canaliculata dwarf AGA LLHP

How long are those leaves on #3 I can think of several others depending on the length of the leaf. Do the leaves have a channel we cannot see? Even if it is a short one. Does it have a sheath? What about the apex, the tip of the leaf, what color and how long. Sorry about the questions but if you really want to know I must ask. Most San. are green with white mottling or white/gray horzontal stripes, I do have some silver plants but I don't know if it is an overlay of silver, on green, or the other way around.

I could write you a full description of the S. rorida right out of the book. None of the above plants grow out in Calif. Garden. Most cannot take the cold and the rain conbination, and would rot out. They need warmth, but these are exceptionally grown plants, and you should be proud of them. Respectively, Norma

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

None of those are my plants, unfortunately... I just saw these, and literally hundreds of others, in a tropical garden in Thailand (known for collecting very rare plants, so if one is rare, I wouldn't be surprised). Unfortunately I can't give you any more detailed information on them either since all I have is the same picture you do now. I just wanted to know what they were for my files. Thanks for all the input.

Valley Village, CA

Bob I'm so dissappointed that you don't own them. The fan shaped plant may be rorida, as I said before and exceptional rare, usually the stem does not go over 8" in height. I did manage to get mine to flower, it is a branched inflorence. I have only one small plant of it left. But the Huntington Gardens will give me a small plant of it if I want it. I poted up a hundred of them in a 8" pot a few years ago, and it is documentated as such.

Gussing is dangerous, that is why so many plants are named incorrectly, and believe it is difficult without touching the leavea and seeing the flowers which to me still all look alike. I know a little so it is expecially dangerous for the to attempt to put a name on them, I know people who are specialist and you should hear and see the wildest names that they come up with.
It's what you don't know that can hurt you. I will copy off the picture and see what my curator says, he is not an expert on this species, and he has no flowers actually in his hands. In these conditions it's always a guessing game. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Bob I checked out your #2 Sans. My boss didn't ever see it before, he would need to see the actual color and texture, would also need a flower, it looks to me as if it is a single infl. I'm sorry I couldn't be of help.

Valley Village, CA

Those of you that are interested in San. contact the Huntington Garden, they will be selling off a collection in the future when the weather warms up. Be sure to get on this list, otherwise you will not have a way to be notified.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)


if not mistaken the 1st one is called Sanseveria trifasciata Hahnii

3rd one is calles Sanseveria powelii

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