photos from my cactus collection

Mesilla Park, NM

This is the night blooming cereus (Peruvian Apple), had one bloom two weeks ago too.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

This is the Epi that got me hooked on epi's.. now I have about 20 types (will have to wait a couple of years for blooms but I have no place to be, so I will wait) lol..

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

Alot of people do not like these, but I really like them..
Pregnant onions/Sea Onions, they make a great arrangement.. put some hens and chicks inbetween and some pretty gravel.. my husband made me the wooden boxes for them.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

A little more cactus in pots.. these were all taken this past June, I believe. Once you get hooked on cactus, Brugs, Bamboo, there is no turning back.. if I get my camera fixed.. will post some of the Agaves I have.

Thumbnail by Gourd
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I love your epi!

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Nice cactus.

Lappeenranta, Finland(Zone 3a)

I love your garden. It is pretty small (it looks like one. And I mean small at good way;). And there is very much plants, and they are very close each other. Very nice.

Could we more pictures from you yard and garden.

Ps. The last picture is very nice:) The tall cactus is cool.

Mesilla Park, NM

That is where I kinda stack my stuff so that the dogs won't get into them.. here are a few more. We have three Golden Retrievers that like to dig, garden, and dig some more..If I leave the house even for one hour, they dig up my plants on purpose, when I stay home, they are angels.. lol. We have a little over two acres, but our yard, home and life is always under construction and just plain fixing up stuff all the time (we will have been here 4 years come this June 2004). We have put in every single plant.. it is just a big mess, till I figure out where to move things..

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

more photos

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

more succulents.. couldn't find photos of the larger agaves.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

This one is just for fun: made it out of left over cement when they were stuccoing the new contruction garage/workshop. Made this head and another just to try my hand at

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

The one above looks like Bart Simpson (by accident) and this one is supposed to be a bird head.. but, oh well.. I tried.. maybe I can put some paint on the crevices and give it some detail or something..

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

I am not a real good picture taker, but just learned how to use my digital, then, after all that trouble, I dropped it and it broke, so it is at the shop (Fugi shop)lol. will take more photos of the agaves, they sure have gotten big in the past 5 months. This view is looking from my back yard that is fenced in for the dogs into the other area.. this property used to be horse corrales, barns, etc.. so we converted most of this one acre to gardens, driveway, and a new garage, (the other acre is all WEEDS) just getting to old to do anything with that one.. maybe someday..

Thumbnail by Gourd
Valley Village, CA

I think you are doing just great, I going to try my hand at that very soon, been taking the pictures, so now I must get them on the PC and sort out the ones that aren't good enough to keep, then I send them along for the group to inspect. I've been scanning plant leaves and that I can do, I can even scan a slide. So now I need to learn how to put the digital pictures on the puter. Norma

Lappeenranta, Finland(Zone 3a)

Thank you very much!
These are beautiful!

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

You have been quite busy over the last 4 years! The pictures of your beds and sanctuaries are just wonderful! You have a great collection of cactus and succulents and have put them to good use. And I just love the arch. I think I read about how you made that in another forum. Very talented gardeners! Thanks for posting your pics. I hope your camera repair is quick and inexpensive and you will be back to documenting your acres soon!

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