orchids again

Highland, CA(Zone 9a)

does anyone know what this means?

my mom gave me this over the phone.she needs info.
does it describe any orchid in perticuar?
which would that be?
much thanks.

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Highland, CA(Zone 9a)

wow beautiful!
thanks karma,your dogma will thank you....
or...the other way around.

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Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Am an orchid Newbie, but aren't Vanda & Ascoscendas (sp?) two different kinds of orchids? I thought & have seen ASCD as Ascoscenda (but yes, really gorgeous & thx for pix)?

(Zone 6a)

Karma, breathtaking photo! Ascocendas are hybrids from the Vanda family and likes the same culture (full sun, alot of water in morning and pot in slatted basket). Asdas are basically miniature version of vandas but more floriferous.

Highland, CA(Zone 9a)

thanks cattleya,when you say lots of water in the morning,do you mean every morning?were using bark.

(Zone 6a)

If your mom is also in zone 9, a daily misting in the morning is recommended. (never water orchids at night!) In addition, ascdas/vandas require good air circulation and usually have their roots waving in the air catching the cross winds.

Highland, CA(Zone 9a)

its inside,in a garden window.
is that bad?

(Zone 6a)

Not bad, orchids are very adaptable and hardier than most people think. Can the windows be open or how about a small fan? As long as its not stagnant air.

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