Hoya informatioon

Valley Village, CA

I just found out it is best not to move your Hoya from place to place in the house or greenhouse, they pout, not apt to flower and may drop leaves. If it's not broken don't change it. Norma

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Good info. I have hoyas and never thought about problems with moving them. Thanks Crasulady2

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Actually there is no problem with moving Hoyas around. I move them around all the time and haven't seen one which was "pouting" or not flowering because of it.
It's just a tale which is not true.

Northern California, CA

This same "old wives tale" has been passed around for decades about Epiphyllum. "Don't move them, they like to point in the same direction all the time." "If you turn the pot around, they won't bloom."

Mine get moved all the time, pots turned, location in the garden changed, sun, shade....doesn't seem to bother them a bit.

Valley Village, CA

Whoops, another misquote from a book. This lady is the expert. I will read that quote and word of advise again.

Valley Village, CA

I just heard from one of my friends who grow Hoya, hers also does note flower if moved. The flowers drop off. Any one else having problems after the plant is moved? Mine take about a year to adjust to the new location.

Valley Village, CA

I just found out I had a Hoya that I thought was a Rhipsalis, H. retusa, actually it looks more like pine needles, very stiff and narrow leaves. Hoyakins, foryou2 dba crasulady2

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