Crassula ovata, C. portulacea & C. arborescens

Northern California, CA

A thread on the PDB discussion forum on C. ovata prompted me to put together some info on my Jades that you might be interested in. The PDB link

This message was edited Feb 11, 2004 6:16 AM

Valley Village, CA

You did an excellent job. Your information is perfect. Norma

Valley Village, CA

The two Crassula you mentioned above are actually 1 specie of Crassula ovata. C. Portulacea Lam is a syn. (an old name that is not used at this time.) It dates back almost 50 years, you will find this on page 135 Dr. Toelkens Flora of Southern Africa. I also use the orginial spelling of Dr. Toelkens name. Norma

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Happenstance,
I wanted to show you the pictures of the jade plants you sent me now that they are happily settled into pots for winter. I just love them! Thanks so much for sending them!

This one is a "family" photo:

Thumbnail by roshana
Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

This one is in the biggest pot I have.

Thumbnail by roshana
Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Walmart, our only gardening store in this burg, had pots at half price, just when I needed some! This blue pot is from there as well as all the other ones.

Thumbnail by roshana
Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

This jade cracks me up! It looks like it's blowing in the wind. Or kinda like a bonsai. I hope it stays that way.

Thumbnail by roshana
Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Here's the little blue one. Such a neat jade!

Thumbnail by roshana
Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

And lastly...I even kept the leaves I knocked off during potting them up! I really appreciate your efforts in sending these lovely jades! Much nicer than one could ever purchase! Thanks so much. Please keep me in mind if you trim again!

Thumbnail by roshana
Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Awwwwwwww those are adorable :-)

Northern California, CA

Morning roshana -
So glad they are all happy, their cousins in Happenstance Garden send them greetings!

Strange year we've all had......most of the Jades are setting blossoms and it is very early for them to be doing this. Just hope we don't have a typical October heat wave so that they are done and gone by Christmas. The flowers look like little white stars and make nice decorations during the holidays.

The reason the one looks like it is "blowing in the wind" is because it spent the summer doing a face plant in the dirt every week or so. The Mother plant was so big it kept falling down in the wind. It should eventually perk up and fly straight!

I'll have more cuttings either late winter or early spring....will wait til they flower before doing another slash and burn routine.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow! those are some very unusual jades. I've never seen the blue one or the one that looks likes it's blowing in the wind. Very nice. I have the one that's in the biggest pot that I've had for about 16 years. It's huge and I just keep cutting it back and getting more. I would love to trade some cutting of mine for a piece of the blue or the other ones when you cut them back.
Very nice family. You sould be so proud.

Northern California, CA

The "blue guy" is C. arborescens and there are additional images of the mother plants and other Crassula(e)(s)aecaes???? well you know what I mean. :-)

This message was edited Apr 27, 2004 4:02 PM

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Wow, Happenstance, those are huge and such a nice variety. When you trim again please keep me in mind for some cast offs.

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Ahem, Happenstance lol...can I be included for any cast-offs lol...What a beautiful addition to your collection of awesome looking and healthy plants. Great looking Family!!!!

Julieanne aka ABG

Reno, NV(Zone 6a)

I lost track of whether the discussion was about jade plants or containers. :-) Either way, here's my little contribution. This is my little family of succulents and a cactus. I have a jade, a kalanchoe (panda) in the back there...and a little flowering cactus in the front. I got them as babies about 4 months ago.

They're all desert plants, so they love thier little bonsai pot. It's good for their shallow roots.

Thumbnail by frigid75
Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Precious's adorable and beautiful :-)

Reno, NV(Zone 6a)

Thanks...I think I'm going to bum my roommate's digi-cam and take a couple of (halfway)decent photos of them. :-)

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)


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