Repotting Christmas cactus

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

I was wondering about repotting Christmas cactus. I have two of them that really could probably use a new pot. Do they like being a little crowded in the pots or will they flower better if I give them a little more room? Should I use the cactus/succulent soil mix, or a regular potting soil? Is it too late to repot them now? My pink one normally flowers in late Jan. early Feb. The yellow one is a new plant that I bought this past spring after I saw some posts on DG. It was in bloom when I bought it in the early spring.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I just put mine in regular potting soil. and I could be wrong , but I don't think they have to be pot bound to bloom.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Mine seem to flower no matter what I do to them. I have friends who keep theirs in the dark for several months and theirs bloom much more prolifically tham mine do but........ I probably would not remember to bring them into the light again. I use regular potting soil. I have one confused white one that blooms every 6 months.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks, KathyJo, that's the word I was trying to remember--potbound. Maybe I'll repot one and leave the other and see which one does better. Course, to really be equal and compare them, I should have them in the same windowsill and I don't.

frogsrus: I know these plants are sensitive to photoperiod (how much light they get) like pointsettias and chrysanthemums (mums). I think they need 10-12 hrs. of darkness for several months in order to bloom well. If you've got it in a room where it often gets synthetic light during the evening and night time, you may want to consider moving it or covering it. I would think it would be best to uncover it during the day, as they still need some light to photosynthesize.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Butterflygardnr, my poor plants have a lazy mother. I am lucky my kids are old enough that they will not starve when life gets too busy. I have a DH with asthma so all plants are outside except for one artificial pothos that someone gave me for reasons unknown. All light is god given. The christmas cactus is out in the cacutus/succulent garden that "belongs" to my son. Mine seem happiest with toe room . could be dumb luck though. The sticker plants all seem to like the area and bloom there which is good because nothing else seems to like it. Too warm.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

frogsrus, you know it might actually be better to have plants in the house. Certain plants have been scientifically shown to purify the air indoors. It might actually help to have a few of them around. I think spider plants were one of the good ones to purify air. Some plants will live in water if you give them some food. I think spiders probably would survive that way. They're pretty tough plants!

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