got my corkscrew cerus!!!

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

well i got me got one off of ebay, from a different lady than the original one i was asking about from people on is huge, no scars and absolutely gorgeous..i will pot it up in a few days after it has caloused over and get a pic....i sure wish i could find the proper name for it.....i am so very happy..this is one of 5 different boxes i have gotten this week..its my early Christmas!!

happy gardening

Valley Village, CA

Thank goodness. I couldn't find one, I'm sorry. Norma

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

is it the Spegazzini??

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

no, its not the spegazzini...i have one of them also...this is a cereus of some sort...i have yet to find the proper name for it....i am waiting on my second cutting that i got from ebay from the same person..figured i better get another in case something happens to the never know....i hope to get some pics up soon..i have tons that arent id'd as of yet and would sure like to get a general idea of what they are...:)

happy gardening

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