Had to Share

Clarksville, IN(Zone 6a)

My crassula succulent is Blooming! Have had it for 2 years and my first bloom. I do not have a clue what it is. No ditigal camera either (poor).LOL Looks great in a hanging basket. Limbs are fleshy with what I call small soft spikey spines, no leaves, limbs attach together. Norma gave a piece to you a couple of years ago. Loves sun and rain. Not gorgeous except when it blooms. Looks like a cactus flower. Awsome!!! Had to share. Debk

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

That is wonderful news :) I am always thrilled when I have a plant bloom for the first time, too.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

congrats, Deb! I managed to purchase a yellow Epiphylum a few weeks ago and am very much looking forward to the bloom! It's just like having another baby...you feel so good! Elaine

Clarksville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hope I do this right. Here is a photo of that unknown succulent that was blooming, which is again blooming since I brought it in. Debk

Thumbnail by DebK534
Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

DebK, looks like Huernia or Stapelia to me.

Clarksville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi Panamon, I do have some huernias in the basket on the right. I will try and look up a variety of stapelia's. Thanks, I am a step closer! :)

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