I'd like to know what this plant is and how to propogate

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

This is from Mesa, AZ and is my neighbors plant.

Thanks for any information you can give me.

Thumbnail by bluedog58
Valley Village, CA

It's of the Stapaliad family, and it looks like the 'giant starfish' the flower being 14" PLUS, is it gold with maroon markings? Perhaps slightly fuzzy. Are the leaves velvet,fuzzy? Off the top of my head and memory, it might be S.nobilis. Norma

Valinda, CA(Zone 10a)

Just cut off a branch and let it callous for a few days and then pot it in a gritty planting mix. I use only Supersoil. It has redwood bark and that keeps cuttings from rotting.

Valley Village, CA

Geprge. I hope you don't mind, I will go one step further, I cut pull the arm off at a joint and set on top of very gritty soil, 60% pumice, 30% coarse sand, and only 10% organic forest mulch. These plants are very water sensitive coming from Africa, below the equator, which means it has oppisite weather than we have. I would wait until you see roots then set into the mix. The flower may go up to 16" across. I have mine growing in open run, no care at all, poor soil. Very poor soil, and in full sun, but then again, I may have different growing conditions than you, I live in zone 20-21
I would like to know what size are these flowers? Just curious, it can make a difference in the ID. Norma

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thank you all for your speedy responses!! I guess I better get the cuttings out of the mulchy soil I stuck them in and redo as you indicated! Hope it's not too late.

The flower is velvety/fuzzy with a maroon veins through it and a tiny maroon flower in the center. It has a bad odor. I don't think the flower is 14" though - probably more like 8"

Valley Village, CA

There is another species that also has flowers that look similar that are smaller in size. It is called S. clavicorona. I'm not working with colored pictures so I'm certainly not sure, I also have never studied this species. Nor have I ever owned that species. This is just a hunch. If it is a young plant I could understand why the flowes are small. Perhaps has the plant matures it the flower will get larger next year. I do have the species that have the 14" flowers plus, would you want a piece? I can just pop it into a small box and send out as cheaply as I can. Norma

Valinda, CA(Zone 10a)

Everyone has their favorite potting soil. I use Supersoil for all of my cacti and orchids and have not had a problems caused by overwatering.

I recently made a number of cuttins from epiphyllums of mine and potted them as soon as I cut them. This is supposed to be a no no. However nearly all have put out new growth and I expect that the rest will also.

Valley Village, CA

Geroge, I rot my Epi. but I keep trying. Norma

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