The Cactus Sale Photos

(Zone 5a)

Boy does lupy look happy or what!

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

I sure got everything I wanted this time and only spent $18.50 and was doing my happy dance. Of course I did see some that were on display that I wanted but they weren't for sale :{.
I know, I know, your thinking that I am being greedy....YOUR ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! lol. I would love to have this plant

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

This is another one I wanted but it also was on display.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

This is one I just gotta have.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

You wouldn't go broke shopping here.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
columbia, SC(Zone 8b)

sounds like you got some wonderful plants at some wonderful prices!!!

(Zone 5a)

Gayle we sure did, I got a lot of living stones (I just love em) and a few others I didn't already have in my two cactus gardens.
Are you a cactus lover?

(Zone 5a)

These are the ones I purchased

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

I really like this one, look at the plant growing out of the center, I think it's neat.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
Lenexa, KS(Zone 5b)

I don't think I've ever seen anything like that last one. What is it? It's very cool.

Valley Village, CA

You got a kewl selection to add to your collections. Congratulations, now tell me how to grow the living rocks, I still can't keep these alive. Crasulady2

(Zone 5a)

Heather this is a first for me, it's called a living stone and is a succulent.

The best way to grow them is the same way you do cactus and above all don't over water them. They need a bright sunny window if your growing them indoors. I will post a link here later to give more information. This link will give you a lot of information on how to care for these plants

This is a great site for information

This message was edited Tuesday, Aug 26th 1:49 AM

Lenexa, KS(Zone 5b)

Great links and information! I'm always learning something here at Dave's, and that is a very interesting plant.

(Zone 5a)

I also leaned more than what I knew about the plant. I always learn something new every day.

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

OK, you were right: that photo isn't terrible ;D

Ya gotta watch out for that sneaky Wind!!!! Blew her camera right past me without my knowing it! We had such a good time :)

Norma, I got 3 new Crassulas, gotta do some research to find out what kinds. Trials will be done at the Conservatory to test their winter hardiness under different protection schemes, I will be duplicating a couple of them in a protected microclimate here at my house. One of the members is a genius at propagating: he has thousands of spare plants, so plenty for experimentation!

The woman accepting the money from me is the Club Treasurer. You can (kind of) see the man right behind her; he is the one who is outstanding at growing unheard of plants from seed. The man in the far back in the black shirt is the one who writes the newsletter; he has written a couple of books on hardy cactus.

For anyone who has a club anywhere within reach, join it! You will be glad you did :)

(Zone 5a)

Lupy since I don't know these people you can explain who they are in this photo

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

Another cactus for your enjoyment and another display item.
If this one was for sale I would have been on it so fast that the needles would have went flying all over the floor lol.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Wind, it sounds like you and Lupy had a great time. Was the guy from Out of Africa nursery there? At Inniswood Park's Affair of the Hort in September there are usually some of the cactus people selling neat plants. That is where my sister got her first lithops. They have really cute blooms.

(Zone 5a)

NoH I have to let Lupy answer that question, since this was my first visit to the plant sale and I didn't really know a lot of the people there. I had met them breifly but couldn't tell you who's-who.

I have never seen them bloom so that's going to be an extra treat for me.

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

NoH, Out of Africa people weren't at the sale this year :( The club had been on a trip to the greenhouse a couple weeks ago, and the owners weren't sure if they could make it.

On the Saturday of the KY Roundup there is going to be a guided tour of the personal collection of the Cleveland Botanical Museum (I think). Since I can't be in both places at the same time, I have to miss out on that jaunt. Maybe next year!

Wind, when I went on Sunday to pick up my plants, I do wish you could have gone with me! A member brought in a cactus (unnamed) that had flowers that looked just like a brug! Big, tubular, pink, unbelieveable!!!!! I couldn't get close enough to know of they smelled, but looking like that, they didn't need it!

(Zone 5a)

I wish I could have, I would have taken a picture, sounds lovely.

columbia, SC(Zone 8b)

windsurfer, I do have one lonely living stone, of the spieces lampranthus. I just bought it this spring from shoal creek succulents. I have been told that they should be grown in stones, that was after i had already potted my in a cactus soil mixture. But mine seems to be doing ok that way.
I really enjoy succulents more than cactus, but these living stones are so fasinating, been told by more than one expert that they are a challenge to grow. I will start watering now that fall is here. Hope i don't kill my lonely little baby.

(Zone 5a)

I got the surprise of my life today, while Lupy and I were looking at the garden she found one popping it's head out of the soil. I planted the seeds in june (I think) but didn't think that they would germinate.
At first glance I thought it was a stone but on closer inspection I found it was a living stone, I do hope it turns out to be Baby's Toes I don't have any of those yet.

columbia, SC(Zone 8b)

what a nice surprise!!!

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