Euphorbia Id???

Dripping Springs, TX

I got this scary thing and know I need to give it a correct name. Please help. I might be wrong on the euphorbia.

Thumbnail by desert_rose
Dripping Springs, TX

another pic of the same plant

Thumbnail by desert_rose
Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

Its not a is Pereskia graniflora a missing link between jungle cactus and desert cactus.gets tall and very long thorns(needles) on the trunk when mature.

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Pssst, Eclipse you forgot the "d" in grandiflora :)

Dripping Springs, TX

Thanks Kyle I had found it a week before you posted. Now I'm crazy enough to have bought another one.

PC Kyle is a master brug maniac and he can spell that anyway he pleases--and any other word as far as that goes. LOL

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

panamon.....don't yu know the granifloras are grandmas' plants...I'm losin' it!

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