identifing crassula 'ovata'

columbia, SC(Zone 8b)

I have two of these the first is around 5 years old and was given to me by a friend and was my first succulent .
this first plant has leaves that are 1" to 1 3/4 " wide and the nodes are 2" apart. I have started to take better care of this plant in the last 2 years and it is doing very well. I pruned it about 4 weeks ago and it has alot of new growth. i am going to try to get it to bloom by following suggestions i have found in some of the old threads. May not be mature enough but i will try.
the second plant i have has much smaller leaves about 1/2" wide and the nodes are much closer together, at the most 1/2" apart.
anyone know????? the exact names of these.....
the larger leaved one seems to get burgany color more so umder the leaves than the tips
willing to send rooted stems of these to whoever might like one / or with help identifying

Valley Village, CA

Okay send me a small tip of the stem, it could be the old obliqua, if the leaves are spoon sized. Crowd this plant into a pot. don't water the rest of the summer. it will look awful, so what! you want flowers for christmas. Now please indulge an ole lady. At my postoffice you will find and planter about 8" wide and 12 inches high, it will have Crassula ovata 'Crosbys compacta' it has very thick trunks because they are 55 years old. The only water or care they get is by people walking by and cutting off a piece. or the rain falling. No water all summer, they are shriveling up this time of year, and they will even look more horrible until the first rain. THEY WILL FLOWER FOR CHRISTMAS.
We have this species planted in the front gardens, along the street all over this ole little village of mine. They all flower. The gardeners trim them like a hedge, ball, and they flower. In England, So. England they flower for Christmas, their DNA is programed to flower in December, even in Africa.

Valley Village, CA

All 'Jades' are Crassula ovata, there is just different varieties, selections, forms of it, whatever name you want to call it. Whoops, I left that out didn't I?

columbia, SC(Zone 8b)

i do think it has too much room in the pot it is in. should I repot now!! Or wait for next spring .
so the smaller leaved one is just a diffrent variety.

Valley Village, CA

Are you sure they are Crassula ovata, the leaf color is fooling me, redish under the leaves? I don't know about this. I have never seen an C. ovata like this, I'm puzzled. Don't repot it, until after it flowers. Just send me a leaf, if it's an ovata that will all that I will need. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Leaf nodes 2" apart, this does not sound right, unless grown in the shade, then it wouldn't have the red color. Something is wrong here. Norma

columbia, SC(Zone 8b)

norma I proably didn't take the best care of this plant the first few years I had it, due to a couple diffrent reasons.One being personal crisis issues but the last year to last two years i have tried to take better care of it and this year was the first time I ever purposely pruned it.
the leaf nodes may be so far apart because of leaf drop and lack of proper care since i pruned it some of the leaf nods are closer to 1" apart because of growth.
I will send you a leaf with the coluring underneath. It is getting as much sun as a plant can get in this part of the country, including artificial light on cloudy rainy days, using a wide spectrum bulb and a full spectrum bulb.

Valley Village, CA

If it is an ovata, and the leaves are red this is a good sign. Are the bottom of the leaves facing the light source? Dont report until it flowers. Is the roots crawling out of the bottom hole yet? If not, don't repot. Norma

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